Congregations are local gatherings of Anabaptist Christians who meet regularly for worship, spiritual growth, and mission. Most conference congregations are established churches that meet regularly on Sundays and are members of Mennonite Church USA. Emerging congregations in our conference may meet less frequently and have less defined membership and more fluid structures as they experiment and explore new ways of “being Church” in the twenty-first century.
Alpha Mennonite Church
901 East BoulevardAlpha, NJ 08865
(908) 454-8345
Alpha Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School for Adults & Children: 9:15 am
- Worship Service: 10:30 am
Pastors: Kevin Opett, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Mary Nitzsche
Vision/Mission: Alpha Mennonite Church is a small congregation with a family feel but a family that is open to all who God brings through our doors. We are a group of people with diverse theologies who choose to gather around our common love of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. To put it simply, Alpha Mennonite Church welcomes everyone.
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Ambler Mennonite Church
90 E. Mt. Pleasant AvenueAmbler, PA 19002
(215) 643-4876
Ambler Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
Pastors: Jacob Curtis & Michelle Curtis
Leadership Minister: Emily Ralph Servant
Vision/Mission: Ambler Mennonite Church a diverse community of believers following Jesus in building relationships by serving those among and around us with love and offering the good news of peace, hope, and healing.
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Ark of Christ
8152 McFadden AveWestminster, CA 92683
Ark of Christ
Services:Pastors: Michael Marpaung, Pastor
Leadership Minister:
Vision/Mission: Ark of Christ Church, located near Anaheim, Los Angeles, California, aims to reach the lost for Jesus. Many of its members come from Indonesian backgrounds, and the church is focused on sharing the Gospel and making disciples. Services are held at 2 PM in English, offering a welcoming place for everyone to grow in faith and experience Christ's love.
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Bally Mennonite Church
P.O. Box 194, 1481 Route 100Bally, PA 19503
Bally Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday school: 9:15 am
- Sunday service: 10:30 am
- Tim Moyer, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Josh Meyer
Vision/Mission: Our Vision is GCS Discipleship. Based on the phrase "We will disciple each other into a life of effective personal witness and ministry" in the current vision statement.
- Growing in Faith
- Connecting as a Community
- Serving Others
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Bethany Elevation Community Church
(Mailing) 4217 76th St.Elmhurst, NY 11373
Bethany Elevation Community Church
Services:- Indonesian Sunday Services: Sunday, 9 am
- Small Group "Cell Group" Meetings held mid-week
- Meets at 3904 61st St, Woodside, NY, 11377
- Yakub Limanto
Leadership Minister: Aldo Siahaan
Vision/Mission: To be a home for generations from all nations, to know and to love God, to be disciple with the character of Christ and to serve God and people in creative ways.
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Bethany Mennonite Church
RT 100A #169Bridgewater Corners, VT 05035
Bethany Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday service: 9:45 am
- Gwen Groff, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
Vision/Mission: The Bethany Mennonite Church mission is to nurture people in the Christian faith with an Anabaptist perspective and to carry these values into the local and world communities. As an extension of our faith we desire to be people who: Invite others to embrace the good news of God’s salvation; experience God’s grace and love; nurture a healthy understanding of God, self and others; foster the ability to resolve conflict and promote justice; nurture emotional and spiritual growth, understand and model an Anabaptist Christian lifestyle; exercise our gifts in service to God. The center of all we do and are is to bear witness to Jesus Christ, being unified by our common commitment to a shalom community.
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Bethel Worship and Teaching Center
Levittown, PA
Bethel Worship and Teaching Center
Services:Pastors: Samuel Charles, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Aldo Siahaan
Vision/Mission: Bethel was born in the basement of the home of Pastor Samuel Charles three years ago. Formerly a co-pastor of Solidarité et Harmonie (Solidarity & Harmony) in Philadelphia, Charles prayed about whether he was called to start a new congregation. In January 2023, the immigrant families who had regularly gathered were able to move into a former church building for their worship service. In addition to Sunday worship, which often includes a fellowship meal, there is a Friday bible study that meets on Zoom. Worship is in Haitian Creole, and there is a thriving children’s program in English. The church offers a place for recent immigrants to build networks, find jobs, and become more integrated into U.S. society. They hope to start an ESL program.
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Blooming Glen Mennonite Church
PO Box 238; 713 Blooming Glen RoadBlooming Glen, PA 18911
(215) 257-3431
Blooming Glen Mennonite Church
Services:- Worship Service: 9:30 am
- Jeff Wright, Interim Pastor
- Michael Bishop, Pastor of Music and Worship
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
Vision/Mission: Jesus’ command is what we are about: at Blooming Glen we are making disciples,the name of Jesus is spoken,his teachings are communicated and lived in an atmosphere of love and encouragement and the sacred stories of the Old and New Testament are shared.
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Centro de Alabanza de Filadelfia
440 Snyder Ave.Philadelphia, PA 19148
Centro de Alabanza de Filadelfia
Services:- Sundays: 12:00 noon and Tuesdays: 6:00 pm
- Pastors Fernando Loyola and Leticia Cortes
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: Share the Gospel to all people, under God’s guidance.
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Christ Fellowship
1213 W. Chew StreetAllentown, PA 18102
Christ Fellowship
Services:- Gatherings: Sunday Fellowship – 10:00 AM Sunday Worship – 10:30 AM
- Partner Ministries: Español Worship – 1:00 PM
- Sam Claudio – Pastor
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
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Church of the Good Samaritans
964 Holland RoadHolland, PA 18966
(215) 355-1442
Church of the Good Samaritans
Services:- Sunday School - 9:00 am
- Fellowship Time - 10:00 am
- Worship Service - 10:30 am
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: Mission statement: To Preach, Teach and Reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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College Hill Mennonite Church
3506 Machado St.Tampa, FL 33605
(813) 247-2798
College Hill Mennonite Church
Services:Pastors: Sherilee Samuel, Pastor Joseph Brooks, Assistant Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: Believing that God desires to see all people saved and discipled as followers of Jesus Christ (evangelism, equipping, edification, and modeling Jesus Christ - Ephesians 4:11-16); we are committed to reach out to all people, beginning in the Tampa / St. Pete, FL metropolitan area, then into all the cities of Florida, the United States of America and into all the world. MISSION: Establish integrated ministries of discipleship, service, and outreach. Provide quality ministry internship to all who desire to serve the Lord in Christian ministry. Send out teams to all responsive people groups.
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Deep Run East Mennonite Church
350 Keller's Church RoadPerkasie, PA 18944
Deep Run East Mennonite Church
Services:- Worship: 9:00 am
- Sunday School: 10:15 am
- Jeff Hollenbach, Interim Pastor
- Brent Camilleri, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Joshua Meyer
Vision/Mission: MISSION: "Bringing People in Contact With God" VISION: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, with prayer as our foundation, we at Deep Run East envision a community of faith that will glorify God in worship, open our lives to our community, and share our gifts and resources in faithfulness to Jesus Christ.
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Deep Run West Mennonite Church
1008 Deep Run RoadPerkasie, PA 18944
(215) 766-8157
Deep Run West Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School - 9:15 am
Sunday Service - 10:30 am
- Rodger Schmell - Pastor
Leadership Minister: Jeff Wright
Vision/Mission: We, at Deep Run West Mennonite Church, strive to foster a caring fellowship of believers so that they may encourage, challenge, and hold each other accountable before God and have open arms to welcome all who come to us.
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Doylestown Mennonite Church
590 North Broad StreetDoylestown, PA 18901
(215) 345-6377
Doylestown Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday Worship: 9:30 am
- Sunday School: 11:00 am
- Randy Heacock, Lead Pastor
- Sandy Landes, Prayer Minister
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: To share the love of Christ in words and actions with our neighbors and friends so they will grow with us as followers of Christ.
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Eglise Solidarité et Harmonie (Solidarity & Harmony)
4718 Old York RoadPhiladelphia, PA 19141-2606
Eglise Solidarité et Harmonie (Solidarity & Harmony)
- Ben Touissaint, Pastor
- Pierre Witcher Luma, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
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Fairfield Mennonite Church
201 W. Main StreetFairfield, PA 17320
(717) 642-8936
Fairfield Mennonite Church
Services:- Adult Discussion - 9:30 am
- Worship - 10:30 am
- Brenda Walter, pastor
Leadership Minister: Mary Nitzsche
Vision/Mission: Fairfield Mennonite Church is a place of hope and healing where people from diverse backgrounds seek together “to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
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Faith Chapel
10216 S. Denker Ave.Los Angeles, CA 90047
Faith Chapel
- Chuwang Pam, Lead Pastor
- Grace Pam, Pastor
- George Makinto, Pastor
- Mukarabe Makinto, Pastor
- Effiem Obasi, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Jeff Wright
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Frederick Mennonite Church
526 Colonial Rd; PO Box 309Frederick, PA 19435
(610) 754-7238
Frederick Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School: 9:30 am
- Worship Celebration: 10:30 am
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: We at Frederick Church welcome all who desire to come and learn to come know and grow in Jesus Christ. We exist to help others and to build relationships with people in our community.
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Garden Chapel
Box 376; 89 Washington AvenueDover, NJ 07801
(973) 361-8877
Garden Chapel
Services:- Sunday: 11:00 am
- Tim Hart, Pastor
- Hector Quinones, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: Loving God, Loving Our Neighbors, Loving Each Other We are a contemporary Mennonite group united through faith and fellowship. Our congregation began 40 years ago when a Mennonite Voluntary Service team was led by God to plant a church in the only Morris County neighborhood without a house of worship. As a result, we are the borough of Victory Gardens’ community church where we minister prayerfully, joyfully and expectantly. We are proud to be a multicultural and multi-generational body of believers; reflecting the diversity of our neighborhood-a representation of what heaven will be like! Regardless of age, race, gender or background, there is room for you at the Garden Chapel.
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Homestead Mennonite Church
30695 SW 162nd Ave.Homestead, FL 33033
Homestead Mennonite Church
Services:Pastors: Marcos Acosta
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: To continue to grow and mature in our faith, in order to become more faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Most of the outreach is done through individual efforts and relationships. Members reach out to people in prison, single moms, undocumented immigrants, alcoholics, the poor, senior citizens, and children through tutoring and after school programs.
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Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Shalom
3506 Machado St.Tampa, FL 33605
Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Shalom
Services:Pastors: Church Planter: Secundino Casas-Martinez
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: Reach out with the message of the Good News of Jesus to the Hispanic community of the Tampa, FL area according to Mark 16:15: “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” MISSION: Serve the community in an integral way in the areas of peace, justice, and love. Forming a church that welcomes people of different Hispanic races. Offering biblical training and spiritual formation through the Anabaptist Biblical Institute (IBA).
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Iglesia Menonita de Oración y Adoración
(meets at) 900 Howell St.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19149
Iglesia Menonita de Oración y Adoración
Services:- Sundays, 3:00 pm
- Prayer and Praise (by phone): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8:00-9:00 pm
Pastors: Nicolas Sandoval, pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
- Have a congregation with an unchanging structure in the word of God. Where Jesus Christ is the center and heart.
- A Church anointed by the Holy Spirit, powerful in living and preaching the glorious message of forgiveness and love of Jesus. May we be a sanctuary for God. (Exodus 25:8)
- Know that we exist to glorify the name of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
- We have a mission of a task that has not finished, and that is to preach the gospel of Jesus to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
- For this mission we need the training of our people, through a discipleship centered on the teachings of Jesus. Considering spiritual gifts.
- Restructure the women's ministry.
- Work to have a ministry for children.
- Pray for the ministerial role of youth, when it arises.
- Our main priority as a congregation is unity, evangelism and discipleship, the study of the word, along with prayer, praise and worship to the Lord.
- Sharing God's love and compassion with people.
- Maintain a good and harmonious reciprocal relationship with the Mosaic Mennonite Conference, of which we are a part.
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Iglesia Menonita Ebenezer
149 East Cherry LaneSouderton, PA 18964
Iglesia Menonita Ebenezer
Services:Sunday School - 11:00 am Worship Service - 12:00 pm Monday evening Bible Study (Easton, PA) - 7:00 pm Friday evening Bible Study/Prayer - 7:00 pm Saturday evening Bible Study (Easton, PA) - 7:00 pm
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: Vision: Our vision as Ebenezer Mennonite Church is to be a family where all the members are deeply united with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equipping us to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Mission: Ebenezer Mennonite Church has the mission of introducing Jesus Christ as Savior and Sanctifier. We will announce the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), proclaim the Truth of God’s Word, evangelize, disciple, and give spiritual guidance according to the individual’s needs.
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Iglesia Menonita Encuentro de Renovación
(physical) 2654 NW 21 TerraceMiami, FL 33142
Iglesia Menonita Encuentro de Renovación
Services:Pastors: Jose Andres Mendoza
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: To be witnesses to the community of the peace, justice, and love of God by following Jesus in his teachings and practice of life. MISSION: Sharing the gospel through social service to Spanish-speaking immigrants of dierent nationalities, represented in our geographic area and outside of it.
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Iglesia Menonita Luz y Verdad
(physical) 1330 E. Gary Rd.Lakeland, FL 33801
(863) 513-6767
Iglesia Menonita Luz y Verdad
Services:Pastors: Lydia de Jesus
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: Reach out with the Gospel of Christ to people who do not know him as their personal savior, baptizing them and making them disciples of the Lord. MISSION: Use the church building for worship of God and community service in social areas. To be a beacon of light with the message of Jesus for all people in need of salvation, economic, and disease and substance addiction.
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Iglesia Menonita Luz y Vida
(physical) 7600 Winegard RoadOrlando, FL 32809
Iglesia Menonita Luz y Vida
Services:Pastors: Tomas Ramirez
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: To provide a channel through which concerned individuals and groups can work together in the name of Christ and the Church to alleviate human suffering in the Greater Orlando, FL area. MISSION: To make human services available for people who are struggling to be contributing member of society, and to meet emergency needs of such people without regard to race, color, national origin, or sex. However, because the Center is part of the Church, the primary aim of the Center is to provide services to the community, and further, to have these services delivered by Christian sta by going to the people where they are: in their homes, on the streets, and in the prison. The intent is to not only help them find a place in society to survive, but more importantly, to discover the abundant life in Christ.
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Iglesia Seguidores de Cristo
(physical) 1001 Ponder Ave.Sarasota, FL 34232
(941) 377-8198
Iglesia Seguidores de Cristo
Services:Pastors: Juan Jose Rivera
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: Train leaders in discipleship and cell formation through the Anabaptist Biblical Institute (IBA) and Intentional Discipleship. MISSION: Send the trained people with a call to Christian ministry to neighboring towns to establish new congregations and support the missions of the church in Central and South America.
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Indonesian Light Church
1701 McKean StPhiladelphia, PA 19145
Indonesian Light Church
Services:- Sunday Service - Coffee, Snacks, and Fellowship start at 9:30 AM, Worship starts at 10:00 AM
- Children’s Service - Sundays Starts at 10:00 AM
- Hospitality Ministry - Please stay for lunch and fellowship after the service
- Small Group - Every other week on Saturday
Pastors: Hendy Matahelemual, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Aldo Siahaan
Vision/Mission: Indonesian Light Church (ILC) is a home for every nation and generation, where God’s grace transforms lives. We serve with our unique talents, build community across cultures, and grow together in Christ. Coming from an Indonesian immigrant background in South Philadelphia, PA, through our ministries, we aim to reach and rebuild nations and generations in this broken and beautiful world, sharing the limitless love and power of Jesus.
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International Immanuel Church
(meets at) 1301 North Rancho Ave.Colton, CA 92324
International Immanuel Church
Services:- Sundays, 5 pm
- Makmur Halim, Pastor
- Manishati Dachi, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Mary Nitzche & Hendy Matahelemual
Vision/Mission: Reaching the Indonesians and preparing the Church for mission through discipleship.
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International Worship Church
(meets at) 6868 N. San Gabriel Blvd.San Gabriel, CA 91775
International Worship Church
Services:- English Services: Sundays, 10:30 am
- Indonesian Services and School: Sundays, Noon
- Prayer Meeting: Wednesdays, 8 pm
- Buddy Hannanto, Pastor
- Lucy Parsono, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Mary Nitzche & Hendy Matahelemual
Vision/Mission: To become a congregation characterized by Christ and impacting families and communities so Christ's redemptive purposes can be accomplished in the world.
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Jemaat Kristen Indonesian Anugerah (JKIA)
(Meets at) 191 West Sierra Madre Blvd.Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Jemaat Kristen Indonesian Anugerah (JKIA)
Services:- Indonesian Services: Sundays, 2:30-4:30pm with a breakout time in English during the sermon for the youth and Sunday School for the children. Dinner is served immediately following the service.
- Virgo Handojo, Pastor
- Stephen Zacheus, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Mary Nitzche & Hendy Matahelemual
Vision/Mission: The congregation finds their mission in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) to love God with all their hearts and souls and to make disciples of all nations.
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Lakeview Mennonite Church
1323 Lakeview RoadSusquehanna, PA 18847
(570) 756-2400
Lakeview Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School: 9:30 am
- Worship: 10:45 am
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
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Mennonite Bible Fellowship
36 Slide Hollow La.Morris, PA 16938
(570) 353-2407
Mennonite Bible Fellowship
Services:- Sunday: 9:15 am
- John Brodnicki, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: As a congregation, we seek to strengthen and encourage each other as we follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Following Jesus means coming to know Him through prayer, Bible study, being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and living out faith in community. Following Jesus also means that we reach out to those around us who do not know Christ yet and serve them.
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Methacton Mennonite Church
3081 Mill RoadNorristown, PA 19403
(610) 584-4080
Methacton Mennonite Church
Services:- Worship Service: 9:30 am
- Sunday School: 10:45 am
- Sandy Drescher-Lehman, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Emily Ralph Servant
Vision/Mission: We are a 275-year-old Anabaptist congregation, small and diverse, seeking to follow Jesus and promote God's kingdom with energy and grace. We exist to be a safe and accepting community, shaped by God's word, sharing God's love and inviting others to join us in following Jesus.
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Nations Worship Center
1506 Ritner St.Philadelphia, PA 19145
(267) 970-0710
Nations Worship Center
Services:- Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
- Beny Krisbianto, Pastor
- Angelia Susanto, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
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North Tampa Christian Fellowship
(physical) 206 W. 131st AveTampa, FL 33612
(813) 493-6576
North Tampa Christian Fellowship
Services:Pastors: Carl Walcott, Pastor Roy Williams, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marco Güete
Vision/Mission: VISION: Tell someone about Christ. MISSION: Believing that God desires to see all people saved and discipled as followers of Jesus Christ (evangelism, equipping, edification and modeling Jesus Christ - Matthew 28:18-20); we are committed to reach out to all people, starting in the Tampa / St. Pete, FL metropolis area, then into other cities of Florida, the United States of America, and into the entire world.
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Nueva Vida Norristown New Life
3 East Marshall StreetNorristown, PA 19401
Nueva Vida Norristown New Life
Services:- Servicios de Adoración Domingo: 10:45 am / Sunday Worship Service: 10:45 am
- Ertell Whigham, Associate Pastor
- Nering Huete, Interim Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: The Calling of Norristown New Life is to be a diverse body of believers who: Worship the Lord in unity (Ephesians 4: 4,5) Experience the transforming and gifting power of the Holy Spirit ( Romans 12: 1,2) Proclaim the Gospel of reconciliation through Jesus Christ in word and deed. (2 Corinthians 5: 17-20)
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Peña de Horeb
1160 S. 9th St.Philadelphia, PA 19147
(215) 500-1624
Peña de Horeb
Services:Pastors: Pastor Dania Hernandez
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: THE MISSION of Peña de Horeb is to make disciples and become a great family where all the members a very deep relationship with Jesus, being prepared to carry out the great commission of the church instituted by God where the head is Christ and we are the body. VISION: As a church we believe that our time, effort and work be the same a Jesus Christ who had a broad view of being able to reach everyone, no matter the race.
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Perkasie Mennonite Church
320 West Chestnut StreetPerkasie, PA 18944
(215) 257-3117
Perkasie Mennonite Church
- Wayne Nitzsche, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Joshua Meyer
Vision/Mission: Mission Statement: To model Jesus Vision Statement: As we model the life of Jesus, we seek to be:
- A joyful, growing church which invites all to worship and celebrate God’s love
- A community of faith with a creative spirit which honors and accepts who we are as Anabaptist Mennonites
- A committed people faithfully serving God through word and deed both locally and globally
- A fellowship which values time spent together in fun and interaction
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Perkiomenville Mennonite Church
PO Box 59 (1836 Gravel Pike)Perkiomenville, PA 18074
(215) 234-4011
Perkiomenville Mennonite Church
Services:- Christian Growth Classes: 9:15 am
- Worship Service: 10:15 am
- Mike Spinelli, Lead Pastor
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: Proclaiming Christ – Making disciples – Caring about people
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Philadelphia Praise Center
2300 S 18th StPhiladelphia, PA 19145
(267) 307-7548
Philadelphia Praise Center
Services:- Sunday Service
- First Service: 9:30 AM
- Second Service: 11:15 AM
- Sunday School at 9:30 AM (First Service)
- Prayer Meeting: Mondays, 7:00 pm
- Youth Group (11-17): Fridays, 7:00 pm
- Small group & outreach schedule varies
- Aldo Siahaan, Pastor
- Hadi Sunarto, Deacon
- Emmanuel Villatoro, Youth Pastor
- Lindy Backues, Outreach Minister
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
Vision/Mission: To build a community that is known by God
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Plains Mennonite Church
50 W. Orvilla RoadHatfield, PA 19440
(215) 362-7640
Plains Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School: 9:00 am
- Worship Service: 10:15 am
- Mike Derstine, Lead Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: At Plains you will find women and men, young and old, seeking to live as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. The members at Plains are committed to caring for others, practicing peacemaking, and sharing God’s love and resources in the local community and across the wider church and world.
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Providence Mennonite Church
109 South Mennonite RoadCollegeville, PA 19426
(610) 489-8179
Providence Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday: 10:15 am
Pastors: John Holsey, interim pastor
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
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Resplandece Mennonite Church
Pembrooke Pines, FL
Resplandece Mennonite Church
Services:Pastors: Manuel García, Pastor
Leadership Minister:
Vision/Mission: Since November 2023, this hybrid congregation has gathered people on Zoom from Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Venezuela, Colombia, and beyond. Every Sunday, worship and reflection merge in connected, enriching experience. Some gather from the home of Josué González, in Pembroke Pines, Florida. The pastor, Manuel García, and his family worship from their home in Barranquilla, Colombia. They gather for prayer on Tuesday mornings and on Fridays, they organize the "Restored to Restore Seminar," an online evangelism event that reinforces its mission to build and strengthen the faith community. Isaiah 60:1, "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you," reflects the spirit of Resplandece Mennonite. The church not only seeks to illuminate the path of its members but also to serve as a refuge of restoration and hope.
1421 W. Turner St.Allentown, PA 18102
(484) 602-5038
Services:- Sunday Service: 4:00 pm
- Angela Moyer Walter
- Danilo Sanchez
- Charlene Smalls
Leadership Minister: Ertell Whigham
Vision/Mission: We are a Christ-Centered, Community-Focused Church that seeks to have a ripple effect in our community by sharing Christ’s love through acts of kindness and cultivating healthy relationships.
RIPPLE gatherings focus on moving toward Jesus as our center, and the Bible helps us discover practical and surprising ways to do this. We are a Jesus centered, community invested, diverse, and caring group of people of all ages, and we look forward to meeting you.
Articles and blogs about Ripple
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Salem Mennonite Church
41 East Cherry RoadQuakertown, PA 18951
(215) 536-1223
Salem Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School: 9:30 am
- Worship Service: 10:30 am
- Bruce Eglinton-Woods, Pastor
- Bob Helverson, Jr., Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
Vision/Mission: Experiencing new life on a journey with Jesus
Articles and blogs about Salem Mennonite Church
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Salford Mennonite Church
480 Groff's Mill RoadHarleysville, PA 19438
(215) 256-0778
Salford Mennonite Church
Services:- Worship: 9:00 am
- David Greiser, Lead Pastor
- Andrew Zetts, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
Vision/Mission: At Salford Mennonite Church, we have journeyed for almost 300 years as a community working to faithfully follow Christ. We celebrate that all individuals are created in God’s image, in beauty and grace, no matter their age, gender, race, disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, and are welcome as members in our congregation.
Articles and blogs about Salford Mennonite Church
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San Francisco Chinese Mennonite Church
4021 California St.San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 745-2028
San Francisco Chinese Mennonite Church
Services:Pastors: Bernie Chung (Interim Pastor)
Leadership Minister: Jeff Wright
Vision/Mission: The mission of San Francisco Chinese Mennonite Church is to share the Gospel to the Chinese community in San Francisco. San Francisco Chinese Mennonite Church focuses on service and outreach within the community. Through teaching San Francisco Chinese Mennonite hopes to build up the spiritual life of the community.
Articles and blogs about San Francisco Chinese Mennonite Church
Get to know San Francisco Chinese Mennonite Church
Souderton Mennonite Church
105 West Chestnut StreetSouderton, PA 18964
(215) 723-3088
Souderton Mennonite Church
Services:- Worship Service: 9:30 am
- Sunday School for all ages: 10:50 am
- Ken Burkholder, Lead Pastor
- Jenifer Eriksen Morales, Pastor of Mission and Formation
Leadership Minister: Stephen Kriss & Jeff Wright
Vision/Mission: Our purpose is to do whatever it takes to see lives changed through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and his people so that we can be sent out to serve Christ in the world.
Articles and blogs about Souderton Mennonite Church
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Spring Mount Mennonite Church
25 Church RoadSchwenksville, PA 19473-2342
(610) 287-5280
Spring Mount Mennonite Church
Services:- Morning Prayer: 9:30 am
- Worship: 9:45 am
- Fellowship: 10:45 am
- Christian Education: 11:00 am
- Chris Nickels, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: Being formed, being sent, by Christ. We live this out this mission by valuing Formation, Hospitality, Service, and Stewardship.
Articles and blogs about Spring Mount Mennonite Church
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Swamp Mennonite Church
2125 Rosedale RoadQuakertown, PA 18951
Swamp Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School: 9:00 am
- Worship: 10:10 am
- Nathan Good, Pastor
- Tracy Commons, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Mike Clemmer
Vision/Mission: At Swamp Mennonite Church we celebrate God’s grace, encourage growth in Christ, and boldly proclaim the victory of Christ’s love over sin and death; through the power of God’s Holy Spirit.
Articles and blogs about Swamp Mennonite Church
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Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship
PO Box 44Taftsville, VT 05073
Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship
Services:- Sunday: 9:30 am
- Steve McCloskey, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Mary Nitzsche
Vision/Mission: Seeking to know Christ and make Him known
Articles and blogs about Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship
Get to know Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship
Upper Milford Mennonite Church
P.O. Box 296Old Zionsville, PA 18068-0296
(610) 965-4880
Upper Milford Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday school (September through June) - 9:00 am
- Worship - 10:30 am
Pastors: Jenny Fujita, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: Empowered by the Holy Spirit we seek to love God, grow in faith and love one another by inviting all to know the love of Jesus and by working to meet human needs.
Articles and blogs about Upper Milford Mennonite Church
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Vietnamese Gospel Mennonite Church
811 South Sixth StreetAllentown, PA 18103
(610) 434-1293
Vietnamese Gospel Mennonite Church
Services:- Worship Service: 10:30 am
- Bao Daniel Tran, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Aldo Siahaan
Articles and blogs about Vietnamese Gospel Mennonite Church
Get to Know Vietnamese Gospel Mennonite Church
Wellspring Church of Skippack
1183 Cressman Rd.Schwenksville, PA 19473
(610) 489-2688
Wellspring Church of Skippack
Services:- Sunday Morning Service: 10:00 am
- Beth Davco, Pastor
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
Vision/Mission: A Community of HOPE FAITH AND LOVE ... Through CHRIST JESUS ... In His SPIRIT ...
Articles and blogs about Wellspring Church of Skippack
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West Swamp Mennonite Church
2501 Allentown RoadQuakertown, PA 18951
(215) 536-7468
West Swamp Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School - 9:30 am
- Worship Service - 10:30 am
- Michael Howes, pastor
Leadership Minister: Jeff Wright
Vision/Mission: West Swamp Mennonite seeks to be a reflection of God in its living, loving, and serving by joyfully participating in: Vital Worship, Mutual Care, Faithful Stewardship, Anabaptist Faith Formation, and Sharing the Good News of Jesus with others.
Articles and blogs about West Swamp Mennonite Church
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Whitehall Mennonite Church
4138 Wilson StWhitehall, PA 18052
Whitehall Mennonite Church
Services:- Sunday School for adults and children age 3 and up: 9:00 am
- Worship Service: 10:00 am
- Rose Bender, Pastor
- Melky Tirtasaputra, Associate Pastor
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
Vision/Mission: 1. To be a worshipping community of God. We gather around our God and Savior to worship Him. 2. To nurture, disciple and build up individuals into spiritual maturity. To encourage all to have a vibrant relationship with Christ. 3. To live our biblical Anabaptist identity and theology including evangelism, peace, justice, simple living and caring for God's creation. 4. To have concern, love, acceptance for, and fellowship with each other. 5. To be a helping and loving servant people, following the model of Christ toward all humanity, reaching out to those nearby and around the world.
Articles and blogs about Whitehall Mennonite Church
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Zion Mennonite Church
149 E. Cherry LaneSouderton, PA 18964
(215) 723-3592
Zion Mennonite Church
Services:- 8:15 am - Prayer Time
- 9:00 am - Worship Service
- 10:00 am - Fellowship Time
- 10:15 am - Sunday School
- Sonya Stauffer Kurtz, Lead Pastor
- Beth Rauschenberger, Associate Pastor of Congregational Care
- Mike Ford, Youth Pastor
Leadership Minister: Steve Kriss
Vision/Mission: Zion Mennonite Church seeks to Belong, Grow and Share: Belong to God and each other, Grow in Christ, and Share God's good news in our community and around the world.
Articles and blogs about Zion Mennonite Church
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Conference Related Ministries represent an array of organizations that share God’s healing and hope in local communities through nurture, witness, care, and discipling. Some ministries began with deep roots in Conference constituencies, while others have been grafted into the Conference ministry and witness over the years. Conference Related Ministries have a unique collaborative relationship with the Conference and represent one of the fruits of faithfulness in the Church’s history and future.
Amahoro International
640 Bart Earle WayRolling Hill Estates, CA 90274
(844) 848-8679
Amahoro International
George and Mukarabe Makinto, co-foundersVision/Mission:
Our mission is three-fold:
To be a global platform for durable and deep-reaching transformation in Africa through advocacy and sustainable development
To be agents of reconciliation and restoration—empowering Burundian and other African refugees to move into positions of influence and leadership
To be a bridge—connecting people, communities and nations
Bethany Birches Camp
2610 Lynds Hill RoadPlymouth, VT 05056
(802) 672-5220
Bethany Birches Camp
Brandon Bergey, Executive DirectorVision/Mission: Helping young people develop their relationship with God by providing them with a Christ-centered camping experience in a natural and nurturing environment.
Articles and blogs about Bethany Birches.
Bike & Sol
104 Main StEast Greenville, PA 18041
Care & Share Thrift Shoppes
783 Route 113Souderton, PA 18964
(215) 723-0315
Care & Share Thrift Shoppes
Sarah BerginVision/Mission: Our Vision Statement: Care and Share Shoppes will be an inspiring retail shopping experience. We share our financial resources, our talents and our faith in Jesus Christ both locally and globally through Mennonite Central Committee. Our Mission Statement: We seek to model God’s love and care for the earth and its people through recycling efforts and a positive shopping experience.
Community at Rockhill
3250 State RoadSellersville, PA 18960
(215) 257-2751
Community at Rockhill
Dan McKee, President and CEOVision/Mission: Mission: We are a vibrant community providing purpose, dignity, and compassion, centered in God’s love. Vision: To enrich the lives of all served through innovation and creativity.
Articles and blogs about the Community at Rockhill.
Crossroads Community Center
2916-18 N 6th St.Philadelphia, PA 19133
(215) 223-7897
Crossroads Community Center
Juan Marrero, Executive DirectorVision/Mission: The mission of Crossroads is to evangelize, disciple, and demonstrate the Gospel in word and deed to the people of the Fairhill community and beyond.
Delaware Valley MEDA
PO Box 64653Souderton, PA 18964
(215) 721-3030
Delaware Valley MEDA
Lucy Brubaker, Chapter ChairVision/Mission: Brings faith and values issues to the marketplace and professions.
Articles and blogs about MEDA.
Dock Mennonite Academy
1000 Forty Foot Rd.Lansdale, PA 19446
215-362-2675 (9-12) / 215-723-1196 (EC-8)
Dock Mennonite Academy
Dr. Conrad Swartzentruber, Superintendent; Dr. Sharon Fransen, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction; Mr. Douglas Hackman, High School Principal; Mrs. Claire Wanamaker, EC-Grade 8 PrincipalVision/Mission:
Mission: Dock Mennonite Academy inspires and equips each student to serve with a global perspective by integrating faith, academic excellence, and life-enriching opportunities in a Christ-centered community.
Vision: Dock Mennonite Academy will continue to be a leader in Anabaptist, Christ-centered education where every student belongs and thrives in an engaging, inspiring, and challenging environment to better serve their community and our world.
Articles and blogs about Christopher Dock High School.
Eastern PA Mennonite Disaster Service
P.O. Box 64794Souderton, PA 18964
(215) 256-0579
Eastern PA Mennonite Disaster Service
Dale Mack, Board ChairVision/Mission: Anabaptists helping God’s healing and hope flow to those whose lives were affected by disaster.
Articles and blogs about Mennonite Disaster Service.
Frederick Living
2849 Big RoadZieglerville, PA 19492
(610) 754-7878
Frederick Living
John Hendrickson, CEO | Michelle Rassler, Executive DirectorVision/Mission:
Our mission
In the spirit of Christian love, Frederick Mennonite Community (dba Frederick Living) cares for and enriches the lives of older adults, while valuing the staff, volunteers and community that serve them.
Our vision for the future
At Frederick Living we work to seamlessly integrate principles and practices of wellness, person-centered care, and employee engagement into all levels of living and service. Our aim is to achieve the highest levels of resident and staff satisfaction, so that we can establish Frederick Living as the senior living community and employer of choice in western Montgomery County.
Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust
6133 Germantown AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19144
(215) 843-0943
Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust
David Hersh, Executive DirectorVision/Mission: “Preserving a Heritage…Telling a Story!” Preserving and sharing the 1770 Mennonite Meetinghouse and the stories related to Germantown as America’s first Mennonite settlement and the “Gateway of North American Mennonites” through its four witnesses of history, service, education, and evangelism.”
Articles and blogs about Germantown Mennonite Historic Trust.
Healthy Niños Honduras
PO Box 53East Greenville, PA 18041
Indian Creek Foundation
420 Cowpath RoadSouderton, PA 18964
(267) 203-1500
Indian Creek Foundation
Dean Stoesz – CEOVision/Mission: Providing opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live in and enrich the community throughout their lives.
Articles and blogs about Indian Creek Foundation.
Liberty Ministries
565 Main StreetSchwenksville, PA 19473-0087
Liberty Ministries
Ken Rush, Chief Executive OfficerVision/Mission: Liberty Ministries exists to serve offenders in prison and ex-offenders in the community by showing God's love, providing practical assistance and supporting biblical standards of justice.
Articles and blogs about Liberty Ministries.
Living Branches
242 W. Reliance RoadSouderton, PA 18964
(215) 368-4438
Living Branches
Edward D. Brubaker, President/CEOVision/Mission: Together we empower older adults and families to lead lives of purpose and joy, guided by the Mennonite tradition of care and service to others.
Articles and blogs about Living Branches.
MCC Material Resource Center
737 Hagey Center Drive; Suite CSouderton, PA 18964
MCC Material Resource Center
Sharon Swartzentruber, CoordinatorVision/Mission: The MCC Material Resource Center of Harleysville serves as a liaison between the MCC Material Resource Center of Ephrata and peace churches of Eastern Pennsylvania. We support this global ministry by communicating both the need and opportunities to give material resources to those suffering from poverty, oppression, natural disasters, and war. Through this outreach, we share God’s love, hope, and joy in the name of Jesus Christ.
Articles and blogs about MCC Material Resource Center.
Mennonite Historians of Eastern PA
565 Yoder RoadHarleysville, PA 19438
(215) 256-3020
Mennonite Historians of Eastern PA
Sarah Wolfgang Heffner, Acting Executive DirectorVision/Mission: The Mennonite Heritage Center, 565 Yoder Road, Harleysville, Pa. is a museum and historical library dedicated to preserving and sharing the stories of Mennonite faith and life in eastern Pennsylvania. Mennonite Christians first settled in the Delaware Valley in 1683 and have been part of eastern Pennsylvania’s community and religious life for over 300 years. The archival collections from local Mennonite congregations, organizations and local families and individuals help provide the context for our lives today. Membership classes and other groups are invited to visit the heritage center to see changing exhibits, use our historical library and take part in events, programs and workshops throughout the year. Our regular hours are Tuesday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm, Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. Sunday or evening group visits by appointment.
Articles and blogs about Mennonite Heritage Center.
Midian Leadership Project
(mailing) 711 Park AvenueCharleston, WV 25302
Peace Proclamation Ministries
PO Box 497Hatfield, PA 19440
Peace Proclamation Ministries
Paulus ThalathotiVision/Mission: The primary purpose of Peace Proclamation Ministries is to help the people both in India and the United States to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace, to see His true light, and to know the Life He offers.
Peaceful Living
569 Yoder RdHarleysville, PA 19438
(610) 287-1200
Peaceful Living
Michael Czekner, CEOVision/Mission: The people we serve are unique, valuable individuals with special gifts to offer the world. It’s our calling to build belonging for every one of them. We are here to empower the best versions of themselves and help them discover and realize their unique potential.
Articles and blogs about Peaceful Living.
Penn Foundation
P.O. Box 32Sellersville, PA 18960
(215) 257-6551
Penn Foundation
Wayne A. MugrauerVision/Mission: OUR MISSION To instill hope, inspire change, and build community OUR VISION We believe in the resilience of the human spirit. We dedicate ourselves to the provision of superior behavioral, developmental, and physical healthcare that is individual and family centered, accessible and equitable. We compassionately support the ability of every individual to fully realize their emotional, physical, and spiritual potential. We aspire to better serve our community through an integrated model of coordinated and cost-efficient care. We seek to innovate and collaborate with organizations that share our mission and values. We promote the development of our staff by creating opportunities for achievement and advancement. We dedicate ourselves to these values: Integrity Quality Responsiveness Respectfulness Our Professional Heritage
Articles and blogs about Penn Foundation.
Quakertown Christian School
50 East Paletown RoadQuakertown, PA 18951-9998
(215) 536-6970
Quakertown Christian School
Stephen Schrag, Head of SchoolVision/Mission: QCS, a Mennonite school, is in partnership with home and church in the process of developing physical, spiritual and social life skills for each child using Biblical values and a challenging academic environment to instill a sense of Christian community and service.
Articles and blogs about Quakertown Christian School.
Ripple Community, Inc.
1335 W. Linden St.Allentown, PA 18102
Spruce Lake Retreat
5389 Route 447Canadensis, PA 18325
Spruce Lake Retreat
Mark S. Swartley, Executive DirectorVision/Mission: Pointing people toward Christ.
Articles and blogs about Spruce Lake.
The City School
PO Box 8026Philadelphia, PA 19101
(215) 769-5363
The City School
Joel R. Gaines, Head of SchoolVision/Mission:
Articles and blogs about The City School
Partners in Ministry are organizations or congregations that are not members of Mosaic Mennonite Conference, but share our values and a vision for Anabaptist witness in their communities.
Some Partners in Ministry are exploring membership as congregations or as Conference Related Ministries. Other Partners are long-term and bring a diversity of geography, culture, and mission to our conference that allows us to keep learning and growing.
Partners in Ministry result from relational connectivity that happens among various groups or ministries who find commonality in their respective vision, mission, and values. Mosaic Conference is open to recognizing such mutually beneficial partnerships that lead to communally agreed upon understandings, which help release greater ministry opportunities and Kingdom impact. Currently Mosaic Conference has Partner in Ministry relationships with the following groups:
Summit Street Church
(402) 228-3644
Summit Street Church
Leadership Minister:
Vision/Mission: We're Summit Street Church, a missional neighborhood church located in Beatrice, Nebraska. We started our journey many years ago as Beatrice Mennonite Church. In 2021 and, with help from our friends at the Holmesville Church of the Brethren, we revitalized and relaunched. What started as a name change and a conversation to be a different type of church has now become so much more as we seek to become a church for others. We are excited about what will happen as we continue to become a congregation passionate about developing community beyond the church walls and for people who don’t yet "go to church" or for people who feel like they don’t fit somewhere else or maybe even for people who plain old don’t like "church."
New Hope Fellowship/Nueva Esperanza

New Hope Fellowship/Nueva Esperanza
Leadership Minister: Noel Santiago
- a local church with a global vision
- una iglesia local con visión mundial
Disbursed, Anywhere
Leadership Minister:
Vision/Mission: Refuge is a churching club that virtually connects people from across the country (and locally) who are actively trying to live like Jesus and with Jesus in our neighborhoods and vocations. Every day, we “church” in our neighborhoods: loving our neighbors and joining in God’s work of reunion and renewal in the name of Jesus. We gather monthly to support and encourage one another, read Scripture together, and practice listening prayer to cultivate Jesus-followers who learn to recognize God’s presence in our communities. Refuge is open to anyone who is longing for more than post-COVID church realities, whether they also attend another congregation or are looking for an alternative expression of church. Mission shouldn’t happen in isolation; Refuge offers a safe community to explore and experiment in practices of neighborhood mission and renewal. Postures:
- Wholeness and flourishing for our neighborhoods, families, selves, and creation
- Rejecting busyness in exchange for authentic participation in God’s mission
- Offering our whole lives in relationships with God and others
- Expressions of mission that reflect the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and actions, especially love, joy, and peace
- Mutual transformation as we are both agents and recipients of change; mutuality in learning and sharing with one another
Redemption Church of Bristol

Redemption Church of Bristol
Leadership Minister: Josh Meyer
Breathing New Life Into Bristol
Redemption Church was founded in 2009 with the simple hope of breathing new life into Bristol Borough. While nearly everything else has changed since then, that simple vision has stayed the same - to let a weary world know about the amazing love of God in Christ. We do this in word and deed, building community endeavors, caring for the poor, and preaching the good news of Christ.
Be and Make Disciples
Our goal is not to grow a church, but to be the body of Christ, to be good news in ourselves, and to invite others into the new life of Christ. As such, our mission is to be and make disciples of Jesus in Bristol, Bucks County, Philadelphia, and the world. Scripture calls us to be the aroma of Christ and our goal is to learn how to stink like Jesus wherever we go.
Sinners and Skeptics
We know we don’t do this in our own strength, but stand in awe of the God who is making all things new. We are a community of sinners and skeptics, longing for the redemption of God. We are not a community for those who have it all together. But for the poor, the sick, the doubters and dreamers, and the lost sheep who God longs to find, to rejoice over, and carry home to be with him. If this sounds like you, we invite you to come take part.
7 Ways Home Fellowship

7 Ways Home Fellowship
Leadership Minister: Emily Ralph Servant
Vision/Mission: 7 Ways is a Home Fellowship Community of followers of Jesus Christ, that love the Lord and will worship, pray, study His word, fast, meditate, share & increase our faith together to improve our quality of life on earth until He calls us home. 7 Ways is a church plant with Mosaic Mennonite Conference.
Conferencia de Iglesias Evangélicas Anabautistas Menonitas de México (CIEAMM)
Mexico City, Mexico
Conferencia de Iglesias Evangélicas Anabautistas Menonitas de México (CIEAMM)
Leadership Minister: Marta Castillo
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