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Mosaic Mennonite Conference is a community of congregations and non-profit ministries committed to living like Jesus together. Located in multiple U.S. states and with global connections, we believe God’s design is for all people in all places to flourish and to be transformed by loving, mutual relationships with God and one another.
To see this become a reality, by the power of the Spirit, we shape our lives and our work together around missional, intercultural, and formational priorities.
As God's people, we are sent to heal what has been broken in our relationships, neighborhoods, and the world by sharing and living out the Good News of Jesus.Find Out More

As human beings made in the image of God, we acknowledge, own, and celebrate our cultural differences, allowing ourselves to be changed by the relationships we build across cultures while we work together for racial justice.Find Out More
As Anabaptist Christians, we are called both to know and to follow God in our lives. As we build relationships and share the Good News, we become more and more like Jesus.Find Out More