We believe that healthy, vibrant Mosaic congregations are shaped into the image of Jesus (our formational priority), transformed by relationships with others (our intercultural priority), and engaged in the healing of our world (our missional priority).

Are you currently a part of a Vibrant Mosaic cohort? Click here to access your materials!
¿Formas parte actualmente de una cohorte de Vibrant Mosaic? ¡Haz clic aquí para acceder a tus materiales!
In June 2024, Mosaic Conference was granted $1.25 million by the Lilly Endowment, Inc., to create a new program called “Vibrant Mosaic.” This program will provide opportunities for congregations and their leaders to increase congregational health, build common mission, and foster community by integrating our conference priorities into church life.
2025 Dates
Building Mosaic Relationships
- Orientation Meeting: April 5, 2025 | 1-3pm EST | Zoom
- Introduction Class: April 30, 2025 | 7-9pm EST | Zoom
- Intensive In-Person Class: May 15-18, 2025 | Homestead, FL
- Check ins w/ Lead Minister & Instructor: TBD
- Final Class: June 21, 2025 | 1-4pm EST | Zoom
Introduction to Mosaic Conference
- Introduction Class: August 16, 2025 | 1-4pm EST | Zoom
- Intensive In-Person Class: September 11-13, 2025 | Location TBD (Sunday worship optional)
- Check ins w/ Lead Minister & Instructor: TBD
- Final Class / Closing / Presentations: October 18, 2025 | 1-4pm EST | Zoom
A Visual Explainer of Vibrant Mosaic
The Vibrant Mosaic program includes three components:
Learning Communities
Every year, a cohort of leaders from five congregations will enroll in a one-year formation process, with the option to re-enroll for a second year to complete the program. The cohort members will participate in up to four classes as part of learning communities. These learning communities will be led by Mosaic’s priority teams, who will help the leaders to integrate their training and experiences into the life and ministry of their congregations. Each class will include a weekend in one of the conference hubs (Pennsylvania, California, Florida, and Vermont). These classes and travel costs will be covered by the grant—that means there will be little to no cost for congregations or their leaders.
Congregational Experiments
During the second half of each year in a learning community, congregational leaders will focus on how to implement change within their congregation. As part of this integration work, congregational leaders will meet with their Leadership Minister (the Mosaic staff person assigned to each congregation) and a coach to identify how their congregation would like to grow. Each congregation can then apply for a grant of up to five thousand dollars help them pay for a learning experience or missional experiment that will help the congregation to learn and grow together. If the congregation participates in both years of the program, that’s up to $10,000 of grant money to experiment with!
Support for Leaders of Color
The Vibrant Mosaic program has been designed to include additional resourcing just for our congregations and leaders of color. We’re going to intentionally design all of the program with this commitment in mind, but we will also specifically create extra space for People of Color in our conference to build relationships, receive resourcing and to cast vision for their congregations, in ways that feel authentic and natural to them. In addition to our annual Nations & Generations event before Conference Assembly, this grant will allow us to host three Nations & Generations retreats, which will allow the leaders of color in our conference to gather in restful spaces around the country at little to no cost to them or their congregations.
Excited to learn more about Vibrant Mosaic?
Email VibrantMosaic@MosaicMennonites.org with any questions!