by Jennifer Svetlik
Editor’s note: Bethel Worship and Teaching Center was approved by Mosaic’s board as a member congregation and will be welcomed at Mosaic’s Assembly on November 2, 2024.
Bethel Worship and Bible Teaching Center (Levittown, PA) was born in the basement of the home of Pastor Samuel Charles three years ago.
Formerly a co-pastor of Solidarité et Harmonie (Solidarity & Harmony) in Philadelphia, PA, Charles prayed about whether he was called to start a new congregation.
In January 2023, the immigrant families who had regularly gathered were able to move into a former church building for their worship service. In addition to Sunday worship, which often includes a fellowship meal, there is a Friday bible study that meets on Zoom.
Worship is in Haitian Creole, and there is a thriving children’s program in English. The church offers a place for recent immigrants to build networks, find jobs, and become more integrated into U.S. society. They hope to start an ESL program.
“The primary reasons our congregation desires to become a member of Mosaic Mennonite Conference are that we intend to formally align ourselves with the Conference, and we desire to advance the teaching of Jesus Christ and the tenets of Anabaptist theology within the Haitian community,” shares Pastor Sam Charles.
Bethel invites the intercessory prayers of Mosaic Conference congregations, especially for the spiritual wellbeing of Bethel and for the leaders to receive God’s wisdom and make a positive impact on the community. They also ask for prayers that the congregation might be able to acquire the building that they currently occupy.
“The long-term objective for Bethel is to facilitate positive change within the community,” Pastor Charles adds. “We hope the church can have a significant, beneficial impact on those in need of spiritual guidance, and that those who are currently lacking in such support will be encouraged to embrace the teachings of Christ. The aim is to establish a presence within the Haitian community where the teachings of the Bible and practice of worship are held in high regard.”

Jennifer Svetlik
Jennifer is Editor & Development Coordinator for Mosaic. She grew up near Houston, TX and spent a decade living in intentional community in Washington DC, before moving to Lansdale, PA with her spouse, Sheldon Good. She is a graduate of the University of Texas and Washington Theological Seminary. She serves as Children’s Faith Formation Director at Salford Mennonite (Harleysville, PA). Jenn has two elementary-school-aged children and loves biking, camping, gardening, and vermicomposting with her family.
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.