Effective February 1, 2022, Marta Castillo will assume the role of Associate Executive Minister for Mosaic Conference.
In recent years, Castillo has served as the Leadership Minister of Intercultural Formation and brings strong experience in pastoral leadership and intercultural understanding to the Conference leadership team. She is passionate about the intercultural work of unity in cultural diversity, antiracism, and racial reconciliation.
The daughter of Franconia Conference mission workers, Marta (Beidler) Castillo grew up in both Vietnam and Indonesia. While English is her first language, she lives in a bilingual family and community of English/Spanish speakers and speaks English, Indonesian, and Spanish. Castillo has been shaped by four of the cultural communities in Mosaic Conference and is well attuned to both our Conference’s history and future.

“We are very excited to have Marta in her new role,” said Janet Panning, Mosaic Board member and Ministerial Committee Chair. “Marta’s depth of intercultural experience and her fluency in three of our worshipping languages, combined with her deep faith commitment, make her the right person at this time in our Conference life.”
As Mary Nitzsche, the current Associate Executive Minister, moves toward retirement, she will reduce her workload but will remain on Mosaic staff. Nitzsche will continue to relate closely to the Board, along with Executive Minister Stephen Kriss, and will serve as a Leadership Minister. As Nitzsche transitions out, Castillo will continue her work with the intercultural committee while adding responsibilities with the ministerial credentialing process and representing our Conference in public settings.
Castillo is committed to prayer along with active engagement of diverse neighborhoods with the message of Good News. “I appreciate Marta’s commitment to reminding us of the Holy Spirit’s working in and among us. She not only reminds us but demonstrates it through her walk and work,” shared Noel Santiago, Mosaic Leadership Minister for Missional Transformation, who leads a conference-wide prayer time with Castillo each Wednesday at noon (Eastern). “Marta accompanies others with sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading and will bring that sensitivity to her role in helping process and discern leaders’ calling and credentialing.”
Castillo is a graduate of Dock Mennonite Academy (Lansdale, PA) and Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, VA). She has a certificate in Christian Ministry from Eastern Mennonite Seminary and is currently working on a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership through the Kairos Project (Sioux Falls [SD] Seminary), with an expected graduation date of April 2022.
From 2007-2017, Castillo served as a pastor for Nueva Vida Norristown (PA) New Life congregation. During that time, she served on the Conference board and was Assistant Conference Moderator. She also has worked with the Norristown School District, Bridge of Hope-Buxmont, and as the interim pastor at Wellspring Church of Skippack (PA).

Castillo is married to Julio and has three young adult sons and one granddaughter. She is a member at Nueva Vida Norristown (PA) New Life congregation, where she also serves as an elder.