by Emily Ralph Servant
On Monday, September 26, Mosaic Conference’s Board met for their bimonthly meeting. Over the course of a packed agenda, the board acknowledged and lamented the loss of two Mosaic congregations, welcomed and affirmed a new congregation and Conference Related Ministry (CRM), blessed an outgoing board member, and moved on the recommendations of the Listening Task Force.

Acknowledging Losses
On July 24, Covenant Community Fellowship (Lansdale, PA) voted to withdraw from Mosaic Conference, effective immediately, in response to Mennonite Church USA delegates’ decision to retire MC USA’s membership guidelines and to adopt “A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation.” Likewise, Finland Mennonite Church (Pennsburg, PA) voted on August 28 to withdraw from the Conference, effective September 30. Both congregations are entering into a time of discernment about future affiliation; for the next year, Mosaic Conference will continue to hold the credentials of their pastors until the congregations’ next steps have been determined.
“I have appreciated working with the leadership of both Covenant and Finland congregations,” reflected Leadership Minister Noel Santiago. “I am grateful for the ways they have pursued God’s Kingdom among us and I’m saddened that we’ll miss who they are and the gifts that they bring to our Conference community.”

I am grateful for the ways they have pursued God’s Kingdom among us and I’m saddened that we’ll miss who they are and the gifts that they bring to our Conference community.
Finland’s Lead Pastor, Kris Wint, has served on the Conference Board as a member-at-large since 2016. The Board offered words of appreciation and prayed with Wint, whose board departure came as a result of Finland’s decision. “I’ve appreciated Kris’ heart for Christ, passion for God’s kingdom work, his strong convictions, and willingness to ask challenging questions,” shared Moderator Ken Burkholder, Souderton (PA) congregation. “He’s been an asset on the Board, having served well. We will miss his voice.” Wint’s Board position will be filled by an affirmation of delegates at Mosaic’s Assembly on November 5.

Welcoming New Members
At the same meeting, the Board accepted into membership a new congregation, Iglesia Evangélica Menonita de Oración y Adoración (Evangelical Mennonite Church of Prayer and Worship) in Northeast Philadelphia. The congregation, pastored by Nicolas Sandoval, began as a prayer meeting five years ago and grew into a congregation that continues to prioritize prayer and evangelism, virtual connections, and street outreach. Sandoval had previously been a pastor of Iglesia Menonita Ebenezer, a Mosaic congregation in Souderton, PA. “IEMOA brings joy, energy, and faithfulness into this new relationship with Mosaic,” observed Associate Executive Minister Marta Castillo. “They are ‘us’—an Anabaptist, Jesus-centered, Spirit-led community of believers that seek to share the Good News for the growth of God’s kingdom.”

They are ‘us’—an Anabaptist, Jesus-centered, Spirit-led community of believers that seek to share the Good News for the growth of God’s kingdom.
The board also accepted Amahoro International as a new Conference Related Ministry (CRM). Amahoro, led by George and Mukarabe Makinto (part of the pastoral team of Faith Chapel, Los Angeles), is a humanitarian organization that provides hope and community for Burundian refugees in Uganda. The conference CRM committee is looking forward to partnering with Amahoro moving forward, said Margaret Zook, Mosaic’s Director of Collaborative Ministries. “The mission of Amahoro, as agents of peace and reconciliation, is living out the Good News of Jesus and resounds with Mosaic’s mission and vision.”
Mosaic delegates will vote to affirm the acceptance of these two new communities at the November 5 Assembly.

Affirming Recommendations
The Board received and affirmed the recommendations of the Listening Task Force, which was formed in July to listen to each Mosaic community and ministry and to provide direction for further discernment at Assembly on November 5. The task force shared an overview of what they heard in their conversations with Mosaic congregations and CRMs and provided guidance for the Board in designing a path forward. The executive committee of the Board is finalizing a proposed action for delegate discernment in November. This action, along with the full recommendation of the Listening Task Force, will be released in a special edition of Mosaic News next week.
The Board’s next meeting will be on November 21.

Emily Ralph Servant
Emily Ralph Servant is the Leadership Minister for Formation and Communication for Mosaic Mennonite Conference. Emily has served in pastoral roles at Swamp and Indonesian Light congregations and graduated from Eastern Mennonite Seminary.