Reflections from the Mosaic Conference Board
To say we have experienced change in the past year is a tremendous understatement. It was a year that brought change globally, nationally, locally, and personally. Some changes were welcomed and celebrated; others were lamented. Whether positive or negative, change is disorienting and often requires adjustments.
Take, for example, a scene from the movie, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. In the movie, a character known as the Winter Warlock is transformed by a gesture of love from Kris Kringle. The Warlock’s frozen demeanor is melted away into a gentle, loving grandfather-figure who asks to be called, “Winter.”

After experiencing change, and, in this case, a really positive one, “Winter” wonders how to navigate forward. Kris Kringle simply responds, “Just put one foot in front of the other.” Though disoriented by the change, “Winter” learns to walk in this new identity, stumbling a little at first, but moving forward nonetheless.
I was reminded of the words of the psalmist, “The Lord makes firm the steps of the ones who delight in him; though we may stumble, we will not fall, for the Lord upholds us with his hand” (Psalm 37:23-24, NIV). This seems like a helpful posture for us all as we consider the changes we have experienced and what it means to move forward together.
We had many changes in the creation of our new Mosaic Conference. This was a positive change worth celebrating to be sure, yet it will still create some aspects of change that may be disorienting.
As a Board we recently wrestled through one of these changes. We considered what Conference Assemblies will look like moving forward. What is the best way to meet as a conference with members so geographically dispersed? What role does technology play? At what level can technology assist in providing meaningful, sustainable, and cost-effective gatherings?
These are not questions that will be answered overnight. In fact, they are more likely to be discovered as we keep our focus where it belongs: delighting together in Christ, focusing our eyes on Him, and then placing one foot in front of the other. We are sure to stumble from time to time but when we do, the LORD will uphold us with his hand and keep us moving forward.