February 2, 2022
by Hilarion Chidi Ihezuoh
The call of God is a human’s long-term commitment to his divine plan and purpose. A person dwelling in his/her calling is the most blessed place to be on earth. No wonder Paul wrote of our calling as “a high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:14).

My call into ministry began when I was working as a bank auditor in Nigeria. As an auditor, I travelled throughout Nigeria with the gospel of Christ in mind. I met people of different cultures and values, as Nigeria has over 250 ethnic groups and 500 languages. During this time, I was involved in the Pentecostal church, Winners chapel, which is spread throughout Nigeria. I was actively involved as a cell minister and part of the church financial board. I began to see the movement of God as I prayed for people, with healing following, shared the gospel of Christ, and most importantly, experienced winning souls for Christ. I followed up with these people to continue the nurture, and I experienced great joy as they were still standing strong in the Lord.
As my 40th birthday approached, I desired to leave my career in banking and start my own business in producing palm kernel oil. I usually inquire of God before I undertake any task, and this time my spiritual mentor was involved. We both prayed separately. Not long into the prayer time, my spiritual mentor said that Lord wants me to relocate to the US for mission work and not pursue the business I want to do. This came as a shock to me.
I then went on a retreat of fasting and prayer. On retreat, I heard the Lord clearly tell me, “I am sending you to the US, but you must ensure you work in ‘righteousness’ and do everything right.” Acts 1:8 was the matching order, paraphrased, “God will release his power; you will witness in the US and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

My journey to California was contrary to the initial plan of settling in New York. This, in my opinion, was orchestrated by God. We joined Los Angeles Faith Chapel, and on the first Sunday of worshipping at the church, a woman walked up to me, laid hands on me, and started to pray for me. The woman started making declarations saying, “I see the call of God upon your life, the land will hear of your name, and you will do great things for the kingdom of God in the land.”
After church service, I realized the woman, Pastor Grace Pam, was the co-founder of the church. This was a confirmation of God’s call in my life.
The Los Angeles Faith Chapel became home for my family and me. Pastor Chuwang Pam graciously allowed me to lead prayer meetings and offer pastoral care, and God showed up and healed people.
Eventually, Pastor Chuwang Pam encouraged me to enroll in the Journey Program, a missional leadership development program through Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS). I am happy to say I completed the program in September 2021. I was installed and licensed as a Pastor with Mennonite Church USA on February 10, 2019. In December 2021, I was ordained and credentialed as a Pastor within Mosaic Conference.
For me, we can never run away from his calling, “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29, AMP). You may decide to go do your own business and not pay attention to his divine purpose, but God will always find you, for His calling is final.