Enjoy these creative celebrations of the Resurrection!

We begin on Maundy Thursday and a traditional foot washing, as practiced at Nueva Vida (Norristown, PA).
- Bethany, Photo by Gwen Groff
- Doylestown, Photo by KrisAnne Swartley
- Methacton, Photo by Eileen Kinch
- Souderton, Photo by Berdine Leinbach.
This collage contains Lenten displays (featured in A Mosaic of Lenten Art) now transformed with new life on Resurrection Sunday! Here we see the Potter Studio in bloom (Bethany, VT); the cross of suffering with colorful fruits of the Spirit attached (Doylestown, PA); the dried bones springing to life (Methacton, PA); and the dessert landscape awash with flowing water, light, and new life (Souderton, PA).
- Ambler Mennonite (PA) concluded their Lenten Lego build with a creative portrayal of Peter and the other disciple wondering at the now-empty tomb. Any perceived resemblance to popular movie personalities is completely intended. Photo by Jacob Curtis.
- Early morning worshippers at Blooming Glen Mennonite (PA) are rewarded with a beautiful sunrise as they celebrate the risen Savior on Easter morning! Photo by Conrad Martin.
- Nueva Vida’s (Norristown, PA) Holy Week display features poignant reminders of the journey to the cross, including a single red rose. Photo by Marta Castillo.
- Worshippers at Redemption Church (Bristol, PA) gathering to worship on Easter morning were blessed with an especially artful sunrise along the Delaware River! Photo by Gary Alloway.
- Spring Mount Mennonite (PA) displays a fresh banner that beautifully captures the joy of the empty tomb. The colorful piece was designed and crafted by Gay Brunt Miller. Photo by Chris Nickels.
- For the Lenten and Easter seasons, Salford Mennonite (PA) invited artist Mandy Martin to create a work inspired by the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit. The resulting four-panel acrylic captures the Spirit hovering over the dark, deep waters of creation, reminding worshipers that the Spirit hovers over us today, ready to breathe new life into chaos. Photo by Mandy Martin.