1. Take time to read the documents in your docket and other important documents before Assembly. Print out a hard copy (if you want one) of the Assembly docket or bring an electronic device on which you can read a copy. We will not be supplying hard copies for everyone.

2. Enter Souderton Mennonite Church through the main carport entrance. There is a parking lot across the street from Souderton, on Chestnut Street, and parking around the building.

3. Doors open for registration at 9:00 am. Arrive early to avoid a line! Worship will begin at 9:30 am.

4. Lunch will be offered 12:30-2:00 pm. During the morning and afternoon community connecting time, a light snack, coffee, and tea will be provided. Childcare is available. There is no childcare during lunch.

5. Please bring a handheld rhythm instrument, such as a tambourine, drumsticks, or a shaker egg. We will use these during our afternoon session. If you don’t bring something, hands work great too!

6. Our Assembly Support Fund remains open for online giving and also through a collection basket at lunch. Your gifts offset the travel costs for delegates coming from a distance (FL, CA, VT).

7. A prayer room is located next to the sanctuary from 9:30 am-4 pm. It is available for anyone to pray or receive prayer.

8. Plan to spend some time connecting with others in the Exhibit Hall, where our Conference Related Ministries (CRMs) and other agencies will have tables. The exhibit hall will be open 9-9:30 am, 11-11:30 am, and 12:30-2 pm.

9. Those who attend as guests will have the opportunity to converse at tables with other non-delegates during the delegate sessions.

10. Our Conference has members who speak many languages. Be prepared to greet others in a language other than yours. Here are a few simple greetings to learn:

We look forward to seeing everyone on November 4! Need more information? Visit the Assembly Webpage.