God always has a purpose and special call for us. Prior to moving to the US in 2015, I was a banker in one of biggest banks in Indonesia. In Indonesia, I had a good life with a very good job, great salary, and excellent benefits. I also enjoyed serving in my church as a youth pastor and worship leader. I thought that I could be a businesswoman while doing ministry in the church. However, God had a different plan for my life.
One day, as I was riding my motorcycle to church to lead youth group, God spoke to me. It was raining very hard, and it was hard to drive. During that difficult moment, I felt God asking me, “Lia, do you love me?”
I said, “Yes, Lord.”
And God said, “Feed my sheep.”
I replied, “I do. I am serving in the ministry as youth pastor. I believe that our youth are your sheep.”
Then God asked me again with the same question, “Do you love me?” I replied, “Show me your will, oh Lord. I don’t understand what I need to do.”
God continued to speak to me and confirmed my calling to serve God through the word of prophecies that I received from several pastors and preachers. In responding and preparing for the calling of God, I began looking for a seminary or Bible School in Jakarta where I was working. I was planning to continue my work at the bank while attending seminary classes in the evenings. Those plans didn’t work as I had planned.

However, God had some extraordinary plans for my life and future. One day, my senior pastor introduced me to a young pastor from the US who eventually became my husband. After we got married, I resigned from my bank job. I left everything behind in Indonesia to serve Jesus full time and move to the US to support my husband’s ministry.
I began taking courses at Missio Seminary in Hatfield, PA. While I was taking seminary courses, God kept reminding me of the calling to serve Him. I believe that this is the way God prepared me to enter His calling.
To be honest, it was hard for me to adjust to a new place, ministry, and culture. It was difficult because I took seminary classes while caring for our home, my husband, and our six-month-old daughter. I was also doing ministry in the church on the weekends. I was so stressed, and I cried a lot. I was ready to give up and go back to Indonesia.
God helped me through that process. Praise God! God gave me a good support system through my family who cared for us so much. Finally, I graduated from Missio Seminary, in June 2020, with a Master of Arts degree.

Pastor Marta Castillo, my mentor from Mosaic Conference, said that I should give thanks to God for the talents He gave me. She also said that God had already prepared me to be a minister through the seminary courses and encouraged me to take the next step to be a licensed pastor.
I cried when I heard Pastor Marta’s words of encouragement because I felt that she spoke with authority from God, reminding me of His calling in my life. After spending a lot of time to pray, think, and discern, I finally decided to say, “Yes,” to the calling of God and surrendered my life totally to Him to be His servant.