Towamencin Mennonite Church (Kulpsville, PA) has voted to disaffiliate with Mosaic Conference and Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). The Mosaic Conference Board was recently informed, via a letter, of the results of Towamencin’s congregational vote. In the letter from the Towamencin church board, Gerald Leatherman, Towamencin’s Board Chair, acknowledged several growing concerns, including biblical authority, with both MC USA and Mosaic Conference that led to this decision.
The congregation voted on June 4, 2023, and the members of Towamencin Mennonite Church voted unanimously to withdraw from Mosaic Mennonite Conference and MC USA, effective June 30, 2023.
“This action was not taken lightly, but was the outcome of much prayer and discernment,” wrote the Towamencin Church Board in their letter. “We announce the decision to you with deep regret, yet with a solid sense of God’s leading.”
“As Towamencin is in the process of searching for a new pastor, the elders sensed it was necessary for the congregation to discern its affiliation with Mosaic Conference and Mennonite Church USA,” said Mosaic Leadership Minister, Randy Heacock. “Though I only participated in a few years of their 300-year history, I pray they continue to sense God’s leading in their journey.”
Towamencin Mennonite Church has been a member of Franconia Conference and most recently Mosaic Conference since its inception over 300 years ago. The congregation is seeking prayer and God’s guidance as they establish future relationships and accountability within the Body of Christ.