At its January 2025 meeting, Mosaic Conference’s Board decided to explore becoming a Program Entity with Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). “Program Entity” status is designated by the MC USA bylaws to “arrange for the delivery of programs and services that carry out specific churchwide goals. [Program Entities] cooperate and network with other parts of the church around common goals.”
Mosaic would be the first MC USA conference to shift to a ministry partnership via a Program Entity status. Everence and Mennonite Health Services are both currently named as program entities and listed as ministry partners on the Mennonite Church USA website.
During November 2024’s annual Assembly, Mosaic’s delegates empowered the Board to work with MC USA in developing a plan that would allow Mosaic Conference to establish a “robust partnership” with MC USA. The approved action called on the Board to bring recommended bylaw amendments to the 2025 delegate assembly.
Since the delegate action in November, Mosaic’s leadership has been gathering information and having conversations with MC USA leaders to explore the option of developing a ministry partnership as a Program Entity. Mosaic Conference moderator Angela Moyer Walter and assistant moderator Roy Williams met with MC USA moderator Jon Carlson and moderator-elect Marty Lehman leading up to MC USA’s Executive Board (EB) meeting on February 8 and have communicated with Carlson by email since the meeting.
Lehman and Moyer Walter have since met to begin drafting a set of shared agreements integrating feedback from MC USA’s Executive Board, Mosaic staff and Board, and sibling MC USA conferences. Mosaic desires to collaborate with MC USA around core priorities including youth faith formation, intercultural leadership development, and church planting accompaniment. Additionally, Mosaic’s leadership hopes to explore ways to partner through shared values and mutual relationships, rather than transactional services. MC USA and Mosaic leadership will continue to discuss the implications on how members of Mosaic will participate in the life of Mennonite Church USA as a Program Entity.
At the request of the denomination to work alongside other MC USA conferences, Moyer Walter shared about this proposal with conference moderators in a January meeting; direct conversations with the leadership of other conferences have been ongoing. “I value the healthy dialog we are having with many of our sibling conferences,” reflects Moyer Walter. “They have encouraged us to continue the good work that God has begun in Mosaic.”