Steve Kriss, Director of Leadership Cultivation, provided this update from the March & April meetings of the Credentials and Ministerial Committees:
Hadi Sunarto (East Rutherford, NJ) was approved for a license for specific the ministry of deacon at Philadelphia Praise Center.
Krista Showalter Ehst (Bally, PA) was approved with a license toward ordination to serve as pastor at Alpha (NJ) Mennonite Church.
Bill Martin was approved with a license toward ordination and to serve as associate pastor at Towamencin Mennonite Church.
Danilo Sanchez (Whitehall congregation) was approved to serve as Allentown area youth minister with a license toward ordination.
Donna Merow was approved for ordination and continues to serve as pastor at Ambler (Pa) Mennonite Church.
Several new members have been added to the Ministerial and Credentials committees.
Mike Clemmer (Towamencin) and Marlene Frankenfield (Salford) have been named to the Ministerial Committee. Heidi Hochstetler (Bally) resigned her position from the committee earlier this year. Continuing Ministerial Committtee members include: Verle Brubaker (Swamp), Ken Burkholder (Deep Run East), Carolyn Egli (Whitehall), Janet Panning (Plains), Mary Nitzsche (Blooming Glen), Jim Williams (Nueva Vida Norristown New Life).
Aldo Siahaan (Philadelphia Praise) and Marta Castillo (Nueva Vida Norristown New Life) have been named to three year terms on the credentials committee. Continuing committee members include: Rose Bender (Whitehall), Verle Brubaker (Swamp) and Mike Clemmer (Towamencin).
Steve Kriss began serving as Conference staff liaison for both committees since the retirement of Noah Kolb late in 2013.