by Steve Kriss, executive minister
In our end is our beginning;
in our time, infinity . . .
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.
—Natalee Sleeth, “In the Bulb There is a Flower”
I like new notebooks and journals. Fresh, blank pages represent new possibility. The pages await new thoughts, encounters, and reflections.
The beginning of a year is like that too. New goals, resolutions, and opportunities. Sometimes, though, we are so busy with the new pages that we don’t reflect on where we have been.
This year’s “Year in Review” offers a good glimpse of where we were together as a community in 2018. Upon reflection, it tells the highlights and the transitions. The things that worked and came to fruition.
But missing, sometimes, is the struggle and the not yet. The places where things were difficult and hard. The conversations yet unresolved. Those, too, are part of our story and part of our ongoing work.
I don’t want to take for granted that just because we’ve been around so long, we’ll always have new years and new pages ahead. All around us religious institutions, some with histories that are long and deep, continue to wrap up their legacies. Franconia Conference is also challenged by the cultural changes around us. Our future cannot be taken for granted.

Our legacy must not only be stewarded, but also enlivened. Some things will come to an end and some things will emerge—or even be reborn. We’ve seen an end of a historic congregation at Rockhill and a re-emergent partnership with CIEAMM. We’ve come to embrace something we never imagined now with 10% of Conference congregations on the West Coast. We’re calling leaders, both young and mature, to credentialed leadership. And we’re being challenged to refine our credentialing processes so that more people who are called by our churches can navigate the process with grace and integrity.
When I look at our future, I know that there are things only known to God. I know that in our human responses along the way, we have both the possibility of filling the pages of a new year beautifully or with scratch marks and smudges. Sometimes we’ll need practice runs. We’ll have first drafts that will need improved, articles and ideas that will need translated.
Entering a new year means offering appreciation for what has gone before, all the accumulation upon which we stand and move. It also means being open to the possibility, the plans yet unfolding, and the unknown events that might yet emerge. And it means trusting that God—in our ends, in our beginnings, in all of time—sees and is with us through it all: alongside, inspiring, inviting, revealing further glimpses of the dream rooted in the faith, hope, and love that last forever.
With gratitude, we begin to write the pages of a new year as the old, old story unfolds within and around us anew.