by Stephen Kriss,

As Franconia Conference continues to face a season of declining contributions, the conference moved last month toward a reduction in staff time. Beginning February 1, Noah Kolb reduced his role from full time to a three quarter time position. Kolb, in a move toward retirement, is lightening his load of congregational relationships and moving toward an increasingly streamlined credentialing process for ministers.
Allan Yoder, who served in a variety of roles with the conference over the last decade, particularly with Mexico-related partnerships, ended his role on February 7, 2012. Yoder, pastor of Good Shepherd Community Church in Adamstown, Pa, resigned his role to focus on ministries from his own congregation, part of the Hopewell Network. Yoder also served as a LEADership minister and LEAD advisor. This move also ends Good Shepherd’s standing as a Partner in Mission congregation.
According to Ertell M. Whigham, executive minister, “With Noah’s reduction in time and Allan’s desire to discontinue his service with the conference, we’ll reallocate the time of our current staff to continue to serve congregations, ministries and partnerships effectively.” At the same time, Whigham notes that, with the decline in donated funds, the Conference will continue to focus staffing around board-designated priorities.
Other adjustments included decreased hourly office staffing that began this month. Next month, the Conference Center will reduce the hours that the office is open to receive guests and visitors. Effective April 1, Conference offices will be staffed for guests on only Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.