by Jennifer Svetlik
On September 30, 2024, the Mosaic Board’s agenda focused on actions for the November 2 Annual Assembly and Mosaic’s future. The Board opened with the week’s praying scripture, Heb 13:1-3, and reflected on what it means to keep on loving each other as siblings in this moment.
The Board unanimously approved the membership of Bethel Worship & Teaching Center (Levittown, PA), Ark of Christ (Orange County, CA), Resplandece Mennonite (Miami, FL and Barranquilla, Colombia) as congregations of Mosaic, and The Worm Project as a Conference-Related Ministry. Profiles of these four communities will be released in October in Mosaic News so that they can be introduced prior to being welcomed at Assembly.
“These four ministries represent the diverse languages, cultures, and contexts of Mosaic with both local and global impact,” shared Executive Minister Stephen Kriss. “We are grateful for the opportunity to embrace and recognize each as a new member with their unique gifts and possibilities.”
The Board also reviewed feedback from the seven delegate preparation sessions that took place throughout September. These sessions were an opportunity to learn more about Mosaic’s strategic plan, the Vibrant Mosaic program, and the Pathway Steering Team (PST)’s recommendation on affiliation with Mennonite Church USA (MC USA), and to respond and ask questions. Delegates were highly engaged in these meetings. Many delegates indicated trust in the PST’s discernment process over the past two years, and desired more understanding of how a partnership, rather than membership, with MC USA might work.
“There was a lot of gratitude for the work of the PST, the work that God is doing amongst us, and the abundant opportunities that lay before us,” shared Conference Moderator Angela Moyer Walter. “Many delegates also need time to digest and reflect on what the PST had two years to work with.”
In response to delegate feedback, the Board shaped a resolution that gives space and a timeline for a more fully developed plan for partnership with MC USA.
It reads, “To affirm, with gratitude, the work and recommendation of the Pathway Steering Team to establish a robust partnership with Mennonite Church USA, and to bring recommended bylaw amendments for delegate discernment at the 2025 Mosaic Conference Assembly.”
On Oct. 2 delegates received the Assembly docket, which includes this resolution and a supplemental document that offers more information about the rationale and implications of the board’s resolution. The resolution does not include a bylaw change at this year’s Assembly.
“The Board discerned that this resolution is the best next step for Mosaic Conference to move forward together and live into our Conference vision and priorities. Partnership allows us to do that best; it does not mean withdrawal from MC USA, nor does it mean the status quo,” explained Kiron Mateti, Board member and PST member (Plains [Hatfield, PA]).
“So much changed in the last month in terms of public communications that shaped what kind of partnership could be available. This resolution provides more space for clear, healthy discussions between Mosaic staff and MC USA and opportunities to provide more understanding to all about the hard work partnership would entail,” Mateti continued.
“Sometimes it feels like the opportunities that Mosaic has in our new strategic plan to live more deeply into our mission and vision have been overshadowed by the question of affiliation with MC USA, a question that affects some communities more than others,” Moyer Walter added. “There are congregations that have long-standing relationships within MC USA, and others who have much less relationship with MC USA.”
Responding to the text of the resolution, MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton shared, “Mosaic Mennonite Conference is a beloved part of MC USA. We value the relationship that we share and will continue to share with the people who comprise Mosaic. The Executive Board and Staff welcome continued dialogue and collaboration with Mosaic leadership as we discern together.”
Mosaic Conference’s Annual Assembly, the third-ever in-person gathering of the delegate body, will feature Rev. Dr. Dennis Edwards sharing with groups of leaders on Friday, and preaching on biblical humility during Assembly worship.
“God has brought us this far and will continue to be with us. I am very excited about the opportunities ahead of us, and what the Spirit will do among us,” Moyer Walter encouraged.

Jennifer Svetlik
Jennifer Svetlik is the Editor/Development Coordinator for Mosaic.