By Lisa Stenger, Deep Run East (Perkasie, PA)
Cheering and laughter erupted as Pastor Leticia Cortes (Centro de Alabanza, Philadelphia, PA) sprints into the room, wearing a big smile. Cortes opened this year’s Mosaic women’s event with a powerful message from Ephesians 1: All praise of God’s glorious forgiveness, grace, and love for us through our Lord Jesus Christ, who blesses us with hope and peace, guaranteeing our inheritance because we have been chosen.

Over 53 women of different ages and geographical areas (including Colombia, California, and Florida) and 18 Mosaic congregations, gathered on Saturday, April 27, for an unforgettable time of fellowship, spiritual growth, and worship. Ripple (Allentown, PA) hosted the event, which was also offered by Zoom and hosted by members of the Mosaic Sistering Committee, Sandra Güete (Sarasota, FL) and Michelle Curtis (Ambler, PA). Marina Stevan (Indonesian Light, Philadelphia, PA) led worship, which was celebrated in English, Spanish, and Indonesian. Translators were also key to building unity in communicating.
Guest speaker Sue Park-Hur, Director of Racial/Ethnic Engagement for Mennonite Church USA, shared how, as women, when we struggle, we often try to hold our lives together by ourselves. We opened in prayer with Matthew 11:28-30 MSG, expressing how we are not alone, and God intends for us to live as one body.
In John 17:20-23, Jesus had an intimate powerful conversation in prayer, demonstrating oneness with God. The disciples were sent in complete unity, and Jesus sends us to experience this same oneness and deep love together. The entire gospel of John invites us to practice this oneness.
How do we do this?
#1 Hospitality: Receiving a person with a heart of hospitality. Showing love for friends and strangers by washing their feet and providing them with food and shelter. What does this look like in your culture?
#2 Invitation: Help others see Christ in our lives. Jesus invites us to risk rejection to invite strangers to experience oneness. The journey of discipleship and self-giving love is to serve, and you will also be served.
Unity is found in radical hospitality rooted in Christ’s love. Jesus offers us sacrificial love, forgiveness, and restoration. The women gathered enjoyed small group table discussions in response to the message, to dig deeper and share ways they practiced love to others.

Charlene Smalls, Ripple pastor and member of the Faith and Life Commission, planned and served a delicious homemade meal made by volunteers. Each table was set with a stunning bouquet centerpiece of multi-colored flowers wrapped around pens. The sisters of Centro de Alabanza crafted these for us to take notes during session time. We enjoyed some brief time with the children before they returned to the childcare volunteers to continue their fun.
In the afternoon session, women were invited to partner to express this oneness in love by drawing a cross onto each other’s hands and saying to their sister in Christ, “The Christ who lives in me, lives in you.” We held hands and worshiped with praise in song and prayer.
Jenny Bishop-Kempf (Deep Run East), led a craft of glass bead magnets that magnified the words from John 17. These beautiful pieces will be a blessed reminder of Jesus’ love that lives in us and that we share with others.
Curtis concluded the event with remarks focusing on our Lord’s sacrificial love, partaking in communion, and reminding us that the Christ living in us unites us.

Lisa Stenger
For eleven years, Lisa Stenger has been the Office Administrator for Deep Run East Mennonite Church (Perkasie, PA). In addition to her primary job, she serves on the Mosaic Nominating Committee. She is a member of neighboring Deep Run West Mennonite Church. She and her husband, Howard, live in Bedminster, PA. They have two adult sons, a daughter-in-law, and a granddaughter.