by Lynne Allebach, Franconia & Eastern District Women’s Committee
The Women’s Committee of Eastern District & Franconia Conferences is planning a morning apart for women in June with a focus on wholeness and healing.
In March of last year, 130 women attended the Sister Care Seminar held by Mennonite Women USA at Souderton Mennonite Church. Attendees were enthusiastic about the teaching on caring for self and others and asked for continuing opportunities to explore these topics and to encourage one another on the local level.
In answer to this call, the Eastern District & Franconia Conferences Women’s Committee has formed, and is holding its first event “Beauty for Brokenness: Growing toward Wholeness.” This event will focus on how women may identify areas of brokenness in their lives and move toward the wholeness God intends for us all. This is the first of what we hope will be many chances for women of Eastern District and Franconia Conferences to learn together, share our stories and wisdom with one another, and support each other.

Pastor Angela Moyer, from Ripple Allentown, will present on recovery from those things that keep us from growth toward wholeness. Sister Mary Julia McKenzie, chaplain for Penn Foundation’s Recovery Center, will share about her experience of working with women recovering from mental health and addiction issues. There will be music, speakers telling their personal stories of overcoming trauma, and opportunities to share in small group settings. Light refreshments will be served. No child care will be available during this event. A $10 fee will be charged for those who can afford it.
The Eastern District & Franconia Conferences Women’s Committee is made up of Lynne Allebach, Joyce Hunsberger, and Anne Yoder (Coordinator) and operates in cooperation with Mennonite Women USA. The committee is actively looking for additional members.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, June 1, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, at Salford Mennonite Church, Harleysville, PA.