by Josh Meyer
I was recently asked to define worship in exactly six words. After a bit of thought, I offered the following answer, “Seeing God accurately and responding appropriately.” Anytime we get an accurate glimpse of who God is and are moved to respond, that’s worship. My friend, music director, and worship theologian Helen Eastburn puts it this way, “Worship is drawing near to God as God draws near to us.”
Another definition, offered by my former seminary professor, suggests that “the inner essence of worship is to know God truly and then respond by valuing God, treasuring God, prizing God, enjoying God, being satisfied with God above all earthly things. And then that deep, restful, joyful satisfaction in God overflows in demonstrable acts of praise from the lips and demonstrable acts of love in serving others for the sake of Christ.”
I love how this definition emphasizes that:
- Worship begins with God
- Worship leads to deep, restful, joyful satisfaction in God
- Worship leads to praise from our lips
- Worship leads to acts of love in serving others
Particularly in a consumeristic culture that trains us to evaluate experiences based on their enjoyment or benefit to us, I’ve found it helpful to be reminded that worship is not primarily about us.
- Exalting God is not about what we get out of it; it’s about choosing to praise and trust God regardless of our circumstances because we have faith that God is good.
- Worship is about giving God glory, not seeking to receive something for ourselves. We’ve already received – which is why we worship. Worship is a response. We’ve received the good news of Jesus Christ, the suffering, sacrificial love of a Father who sends the Son, and who sends the Spirit, so that we might be saved…in this life and in the age to come.
- Worship is always, ultimately about God.
A few years ago, I read a short post by pastor reflecting on the nature of worship.
For the last three years I have had the immense privilege of serving in Honolulu. Yes, that Honolulu, in Hawaii. The one where the sun shines most every day, the temperature is always perfect, and the ocean is just a short walk away. What’s ironic about this is that I was born and raised in Anchorage. Yes, that Anchorage, in Alaska. While 7-year-olds here in Honolulu were learning the importance of sun safety and SPF, I was learning (the hard way) why not to lick the school flagpole in the middle of winter. Sometimes I feel like my life is one big contrast.
Perhaps that is why I love the picture of worship in Leviticus 9:23-24. “When the people saw it (the Glory of God), they shouted for joy and fell facedown.” The people of Israel saw the glory of God and their appropriate response was to shout with joy AND fall facedown to the ground. It seems like the ultimate dichotomy, exuberance and contriteness, celebration and reverence.
What an amazing visualization of this response to who God is, the worshipper bowing face to the ground but alight with a radiant smile! This paradox is our appropriate response to God. It’s not one or the other. It’s not even a balance between the two. It is both sides in all their fullness, together becoming our answer to the question of how we will respond to a glimpse of who God is.
May we do that together as a people of faith across Mosaic Conference.
May we see God accurately and respond appropriately.
May we draw near to God as God draws near to us.
May we bow in reverence and celebrate with joy.

Josh Meyer
Josh Meyer is a Leadership Minister for Mosaic Conference.