by Lucy Brubaker, DelVal MEDA chair

The mission of Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) is to provide business solutions to poverty. This international organization began 65 years ago. Today MEDA has projects in 69 countries throughout the world.
MEDA aspires to eradicate poverty by 2030. By providing loans and expertise and by involving local partners in the projects, MEDA clients are able to experience success and independence. To learn more about this work, go to
There are local chapters (hubs) in the US and Canada that work to connect and engage local people with MEDA’s mission. The local chapters strive to inspire members within their community to incorporate their faith values into their daily work. The Delaware Valley MEDA hub (formally the Clayton Kratz Fellowship) has a board of ten members and meets 4-5 times a year.
From October to May, our local hub hosts a monthly Third Thursday breakfast at the Franconia Café in Souderton, PA, from 6:30-7:30am. Each meeting features a guest speaker who shares a “Faith in the Marketplace” story. All are welcome to attend.

Our group also offers MEDA scholarships to young people attending college with a declared major under the umbrella of traditional business/management disciplines and who fulfill the criteria.
Each year, we plan one or two fundraising events to raise money for MEDA projects. Our special event, “An Evening to Remember Clayton Kratz and Benefit Ukraine,” originally scheduled for October 19, 2020, is rescheduled for the spring of 2021. This event will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the disappearance of Clayton Kratz in 1920 while on a relief mission with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) to Russia.
In November, the bi-national MEDA convention will be held virtually this year. We encourage attendance at the convention to learn more about MEDA’s work and to be inspired by engaging speakers and seminar leaders. To learn more about the MEDA convention, go to
This week, the local Delaware Valley MEDA hub is participating in a MEDA Move-a-thon to raise money for MEDA projects. There was a virtual kickoff on August 14 and the closing is on August 22. An anonymous donor will match up to $5,000 in donations.
We invite you to join us in prayer for:
- our clients who are experiencing setbacks in their businesses because of COVID-19, natural disasters, and government resistance to their work.
- MEDA president, Dorothy Nyambi, and her staff, as they make important decisions regarding MEDA’s work.
- our local Delaware Valley MEDA hub as we strive to increase awareness of MEDA’s mission and vision (That all people may unleash their God-given potential to earn a livelihood, provide for families and enrich communities).