The staff of Mosaic Mennonite Conference is a team of dedicated individuals who support pastors, congregations, and organizations across the country. While some of our staff work out of our Lansdale office, most work from their homes, traveling to visit congregations and Conferences Related Ministries in California, Florida, and the Northeast Corridor.
Our staff consists of leadership ministers, a missional team, an intercultural team, a formational team, a communication team, and administrators—some staff serve on more than one team!
- The leadership ministers coach and support pastors and congregations.
- The missional team helps congregations to expand their imagination for connecting with their neighborhoods.
- The intercultural team works closely with every other team and with pastors and congregations to identify cultural bias and expand inclusion and equity.
- The formation team coordinates the credentialing process and continuing education of conference and congregational leaders. They also lead a network of youth pastors and sponsors and organize conference-wide youth leadership events.
- The communication team is responsible for the conference’s storytelling, online presence, and newsletters.
- The administrators make sure that everything runs smoothly!

Cindy Angela
Director of
Cindy Angela
Cindy is the Director of Communication for the conference. Cindy was born and raised in Surabaya, Indonesia before moving to Philadelphia, PA where she graduated with a degree in Communications and Digital Media Technology from Temple University. She is currently attending EMU for her Masters in Transformational Leadership degree. She is a member of the Multimedia team and the Praise and Worship team at Philadelphia Praise Center. She feels blessed to be able to stay connected to her Indonesian roots while meeting people from different cultures. She currently lives in South Philadelphia with her husband, Andy. Read Cindy's profile here
Rose Bender Cook
Leadership Minister for Formation, Director of Mosaic
Rose Bender Cook
A mid-westerner at heart, Rose has been on the East Coast since her time at Messiah College. Her first career was in secondary education, but she followed a call to pastoral ministry, received her M.Div. from Bethel Seminary of the East in 2005, and is currently in doctoral work in Anabaptist Leadership at the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Rose has served as Lead Pastor of Whitehall (PA) Mennonite since 2010. In 2017, Rose married Bruce Cook, becoming a stepmother of three adult children and is now a proud grandparent. Read Rose’s profile here
Marta Castillo
Associate Executive
Marta Castillo
Marta (Beidler) Castillo is the Associate Executive Minister for Mosaic Conference. As the daughter of Franconia Conference-rooted mission workers, Marta has been shaped by four of the linguistic cultures in the Conference, growing up in both Vietnam and Indonesia. Marta currently attends Nueva Vida Norristown (PA) New Life where she has attended for over 25 years and served on the pastoral team from 2007-2017. Marta served five years on the Franconia Conference Board, two of those as Assistant Moderator, and has been employed by the Conference since 2016 beginning as a Lead Minister. She graduated from Eastern Mennonite University with a major in Elementary Education and has a Certificate of Christian Ministry from Eastern Mennonite Seminary and a Master of Arts from Kairos University. Marta lives in Norristown, PA, with her husband, Julio, and has three adult sons and one granddaughter.
Sue Conrad Howes
Sue Conrad Howes
Sue Conrad Howes is working as part of the communication team for Mosaic Conference during this time of transition. Sue grew up attending Blooming Glen (PA) congregation. She is an ordained pastor in Mennonite Church USA and currently works as a hospital trauma chaplain. Sue recently moved from Lancaster to Quakertown, PA with her husband, Michael, who serves as pastor at West Swamp congregation, where they are both members. Read Sue's profile here
Marco Güete
Marco Güete
Marco Güete grew up in Colombia before emigrating to the United States in 1970. In 1978, he received his first pastorate at a small church and then spent time as an international salesperson and eventually opened two small stores in Queens, NY. In 1981, Marco enrolled in the Pastoral Ministry Program at Goshen College, and then Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he obtained a Master of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Pastoral Care and Counseling. Since then, he has pastored at Community of Faith Mennonite Church, Chicago, IL, served as Hispanic Ministries Program Director of General Conference Mennonite Church. In 1996 served as Director of the Colombia Mennonite Seminary, Colombia, South America until he was called in 2000 as Associate Conference Minister of Western District Conference and South Central, then as Conference Minister for South East Mennonite Conference. Currently serves as Director of the Hispanic Ministries of Mennonite Eduction Agency and Leadership Minister of Mosaic Conference. Marco is married to Sandra, and they reside in Sarasota, FL. Read Marco's profile here
Eileen Kinch
Eileen Kinch
Eileen Kinch is a writer and editor for the Mosaic communication team. She holds a Master of Divinity degree, with an emphasis in the Ministry of Writing, from Earlham School of Religion. She and her husband, Joel Nofziger, who serves as director of the Mennonite Heritage Center in Harleysville, live near Tylersport, PA. They attend Methacton Mennonite Church. Eileen is also a member of Keystone Fellowship Friends Meeting in Lancaster County.
Stephen Kriss
Stephen Kriss
Stephen Kriss began working with Franconia Conference in 2005 when he focused on young leaders and new initiatives. Previously, he served as a pastor at Mennonite congregations in Somerset County, PA and Staten Island, NY. Steve's also worked in areas of communication, editing and public relations. He graduated from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA, Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and from seminary at Drew University in Madison, NJ. Steve lives in Northwest Philadelphia and is part of Philadelphia Praise Center. He began serving as executive minister for Franconia Conference in 2018 and into the formation of Mosaic. He's also a leadership minister with a diverse array of congregations from South Philly to Vermont. Steve has taught at numerous colleges, universities and seminaries across Pennsylvania. He continues to work in areas of communication serving as a reviewer for the Pennsylvania Communication Association's journal and the Journal of Communication and Religion.
Jaye Lindo
Jaye Lindo
Jaye Shelton Lindo serves as Pastor of 7 Ways Home Fellowship in Bowie, MD. She also provides spiritual companioning relationships with Integer Network. Prior to her current pastoral role, Jaye served with another congregation for thirteen years in a variety of roles, from director of operations, pastoral care team member, and Youth Pastor. Jaye and her husband, Robert, have three beautiful adult daughters, two sons-in-law, two awesome grandchildren, and 4 grand-dogs. Her family truly is the blessing of her life. She treasures her faith in Christ and relies on her relationship with Jesus to get her through each day. When her schedule allows, Jaye enjoys reading. However, her all-time favorite thing to do is laugh until she cries…and a very close second would be worship.

Javier Marquez
Associate for Communications and Community Engagement for
Javier Marquez
Javier is a member of Mosaic’s communication team serving as a writer and communication coordinator for Mosaico Colombia. Javier is based in Bogota, Colombia.
Conrad Martin
Human Resources
Conrad Martin
Before working for the conference, Conrad spent time working abroad for Eastern Mennonite Missions and Mennonite Economic Development Associates in Tanzania and Mennonite Central Committee in Bangladesh. Conrad has been married to his wife, Josephine, since 2001. In his free time, Conrad enjoys gardening and golf. Proverbs 3:9 is meaningful to him because it fits the best with his personal mission statement. “Honor GOD with everything you own; Give him the first and the best.” (The Message) Conrad appreciates the response he gets when he visits Conference congregations, “even when they learn I work for the conference,” he said. “I am excited that [the Conference] is becoming more intentional about reconnecting with congregations.” Read Conrad's profile here.
Brooke Martin
Leadership Minister for
Brooke Martin
Raised in the Midwest, Brooke Martin moved to Pennsylvania after graduating from Hesston College in 2010 with a Biblical Studies degree focused in Youth Ministry. She served at Franconia Church as Interim Youth Ministry Leader for four years prior to joining the conference staff. She enjoys bringing people together to support, network, and equip one another. Brooke lives in Telford with her husband, Nathaniel, and their two children. She can most often be found digging in the sandbox, reading books to, or playing legos with her kids. Read Brooke's profile here.
Hendy Matahelemual
Associate Minister for Community
Hendy Matahelemual
Hendy Matahelemual was born and grew up in the city of Bandung, Indonesia and graduated from Parahyangan Catholic University with a bachelor’s degree in Law. He worked in the music entertainment industry and a law office before being called to full-time ministry. He served as a pastor in Elshaddai Creative Community in Bandung before coming to the States. Hendy received a Master of Arts degree in Christian Leadership from Eastern Mennonite Seminary in 2019. He serves with the Conference through his role as Associate Pastor at Philadelphia Praise Center. He believes with the power of the Holy Spirit; we can be Jesus witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Hendy lives in Philadelphia with his wife Marina and their three boys, Judah, Levi and Asher. He enjoys singing, playing guitar, and doing music collaboration in a band. He likes soccer, basketball, and watching movies. Read Hendy's profile here.
Josh Meyer
Leadership Minister, Ministerial
Josh Meyer
Josh Meyer is a Conference Leadership Minister who currently works with Everence and attends Souderton Mennonite. He's also served on the conference's Faith and Life Commission, Ministerial Committee, and EDC/FMC Structure and Identity Task Force. In addition to these roles, Josh is an Adjunct Professor at Eastern University. He is particularly interested in helping congregations connect the good news of God's great love with younger generations and those without a faith background. He recently completed doctoral work at Missio Seminary focused on millennials & ministry. Having not grown up in the Mennonite Church, he is grateful for the way he's been grafted into the Conference and considers it an honor to listen, learn, and lead in this setting. Josh's wife, Kim, is a licensed Social Worker and together they have three children - Selah, Eve, and Paxton. Read Josh's profile here.

Emily Ralph Servant
Leadership Minister for Strategic
Emily Ralph Servant
Emily has served on the pastoral team at Swamp and Indonesian Light congregations, as well as Sunnyside congregation (Lancaster Conference). She has also served as the Conference's Associate Director of Communication and the Director of Communication for Mennonite World Conference, PA 2015. Emily has an MA in intercultural transformation and a PhD in theology, with an emphasis on Anabaptism and mission. Some of Emily's favorite memories from her time at the Conference have been when gifted musicians from a variety of congregations and cultures, who speak different languages and worship in different styles, have gathered to lead worship together. "We learned that unity in diversity is developed in relationships," Emily said. "As we grew to care about and for one another, our worship leading was transformed." Emily lives in Baltimore with her husband, Ryan, and daughter Maggie. Read Emily's profile here.

Danilo Sanchez
Leadership Minister for Intercultural
Danilo Sanchez
Danilo Sanchez lives in Allentown with his wife Mary and two daughters. He is Mosaic's Leadership Minister for Intercultural Transformation. He also is one of the pastors at Ripple (Allentown, PA) and leads in the areas of leadership development, discipleship, and teaching. He graduated from Eastern University in 2010 and received his Master of Divinity from Eastern Mennonite Seminary in 2013. He enjoys playing guitar, playing futbol, and spending time with his family. Read Danilo’s Profile Here
Noel Santiago
Leadership Minister for Missional
Noel Santiago
Noel Santiago works with pastors and leadership teams to help them align what they do with what they say in their vision and mission. He also works with leaders and networks seeking to bring a transformational impact to their neighboring communities, through prayer. Noel and his wife, Juanita, were both born in Puerto Rico, but he was raised in Pennsylvania. They lived together a year in Costa Rica as co-leaders of the SST program of Goshen College. To relax, Noel barbeques and hangs out with family and friends. The promise of God’s guidance and strength in Isaiah 58:11 is particularly meaningful to him. “I have experienced this time and time again as a reality in my life,” he said. Noel loves when the vision “clicks” for congregational leaders. He remembers one significant meeting with a pastor and elder team that “led to an ‘aha’ moment,” he said. “They recognized a way they could better align some of their activities with their vision.” Read Noel's profile here.
Aldo Siahaan
Aldo Siahaan
Aldo is a Leadership Minister for three congregations, assisting churches to reach their vision and serving as a bridge between the conference and the congregation. Aldo currently serves on the credentials committee. He appreciates how the Conference is much more than a building—it’s like being a part of a big family, across the nation and across the globe. Aldo is also the pastor of Philadelphia Praise Center, a multi-ethnic church on the south side of the city. He is originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, and is married to Viviani Chandra. Read Aldo's profile here.
Jennifer Svetlik
Director of Community Engagement /
Jennifer Svetlik
Jennifer is a member of the communication team, helping with editing, writing, and content creation. She was born near Houston, TX and spent a decade living in an intentional community in Washington DC, before moving to Lansdale, PA with her spouse, Sheldon Good. She is a graduate of the University of Texas and Washington Theological Seminary. She serves as Children's Faith Formation Director at Salford Mennonite (Harleysville, PA). Jenn has two elementary-school-aged children and loves biking, camping, gardening, and vermicomposting with her family. Read Jenn’s profile here

Ertell Whigham
Ertell Whigham
Ertell Whigham is currently a Leadership Minister for Mosaic. He was a conference minister for more than a decade, and pastored congregations in Reading, Philadelphia and Norristown. He remained a part of the pastoral team when his congregation in Norristown, Bethel Mennonite Church, joined with First Mennonite and Fuente de Salvación to form Nueva Vida Norristown New Life Mennonite Church, an intercultural, multilingual congregation. Ertell grew up in Philadelphia, served with the Marines in the Vietnam War, and connected with Mennonites when he relocated to Reading as a Marine recruiter. It was here that he became a pacifist while having a devotion one morning. “I remember walking away from that and the Lord speaking to me and saying, “How can you tell someone about Jesus and want to take their life?” Ertell and his wife, Patricia, have three adult children and five grandchildren. Ertell is passionate about music—particularly playing jazz saxophone—and his Rottweiler dog, Ramses.
Jeff Wright
Jeff Wright
Residing in Riverside, CA, Jeff is an urban missiologist who has served as pastor of Madison Street Church, a Brethren-in- Christ congregation in Riverside, and as president of viaShalom, a small, not-for-profit missional resource agency. viaShalom operates a local, asset-based community development effort; social purpose, fair trade enterprises and, a consultancy specializing in creating and sustaining urban incarnational experiments. He earned his B.A. from Tabor College, M.Div. from Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, an MBA in church management from the Graduate Theological Foundation, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Applied Theology from Spurgeon's College in London. Married to Debbie, Jeff has two grown children, five grandsons, and a dog, and enjoys riding bicycles, omnivorous reading, and cheering for the LA Dodgers. Read Jeff's profile here.
Margaret Zook
Director of Collaborative
Margaret Zook
Margaret's board work with not-for-profits, as Executive Director at Souderton Mennnonite Homes and as Director of Church and Community Relations at Living Branches, has provided her a strong commitment to the value of the connectedness between the Conference Related Ministries and the Conference. Through many mission trips to Honduras (MAMA Project & Healthy Ninos Honduras), Margaret has developed a firm belief that CRM's give on many levels. "There is richness in our CRM's - visible, living stewardship gifts shared with our communities. Understanding their unique missions, sharing stories of their services and work, and walking with CRMs will be an honour." Outside of work, she can be found visiting grandchildren (so filled with joy and energy!), walking, reading, traveling with sisters, and enjoying learning especially with friends. She and husband, Wib, are members of Salford Mennonite Church and live in Harleysville, PA. Read Margaret's profile hereThis post is also available in: 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) Việt Nam (Vietnamese) Español (Spanish) Indonesia (Indonesian) Kreol ayisyen (Creole)