We are looking forward to our time together.
In final preparation for Saturday, please read the following:

1 PM – 3 PM EDT | 10 AM – 12 PM PDT
- The zoom link was emailed to all registered delegates, pastors, and guests on Tuesday, November 2. Zoom links are only emailed to REGISTERED delegates, pastors, and guests. If you have not yet registered, please do so here before Friday, November 5 – 12 noon EDT. If you have registered, but have not received your link, email office@mosaicmennonites.org.
- On Saturday, all delegates must log-in on separate devices to allow for small group discussions, affirmations, voting, and attendance.
- When you log in to the Assembly Zoom meeting, please click on yourself, and edit your name to be your first and last name as well as the congregation or ministry you are representing, for attendance record purposes.
- Be ready to engage in small groups that are multilingual. Please be hospitable as some small group members may need to translate for others.
- The docket was emailed to all delegates and is available in ENGLISH, SPANISH, INDONESIAN, VIETNAMESE, CANTONESE.
- For Zoom instructions or questions: watch our video tutorial

Starts at 7 PM EDT | Starts at 4 PM PDT
- Join a watch party in your area or tune into Mosaic’s YouTube or Facebook page from your home. To find a watch party to attend, see the complete list here.
- Spanish Stream of the Worship Service will be available via Zoom.
Need to catch up on pre-Assembly info? Read and watch previous articles and vlogs about this year’s Assembly: