LANCASTER, PA—Team Living Branches took big strides to end Alzheimer’s disease in Lancaster on Saturday, September 24.
A team of 42 Living Branches employees, residents, and family members took to the walking path at Long’s Park in Lancaster Saturday in an effort to raise funds and awareness about the crippling disease that is so close to their hearts. The team, led by Dock Woods healthcare social worker Mary Spencer, was the second largest in attendance at the annual event.

Team Living Branches is also responsible for raising over $8,000 to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association; the second highest amount of all the groups present at the Lancaster walk. Team members hosted multiple fundraisers at the three Living Branches campuses—Dock Meadows, Souderton Mennonite Homes, and Dock Woods—including a popular “Kiss the Pig” contest.
One of the Lancaster walk’s top individual fundraisers is Living Branches employee Charlene Rogers. In her own words, “The Walk to End Alzheimer’s took on more meaning for me because of the Alzheimer’s journey I’m walking with my mom. She is turning 85 on 0ctober 1, so I made and met my fundraising goal of $850 in celebration of her.”
About Living Branches
Living Branches is a not-for-profit system of retirement living communities in southeastern Pennsylvania, affiliated with the Franconia Mennonite Conference of Mennonite Church USA. Comprised of two continuing care retirement communities—Dock Woods in Lansdale and Souderton Mennonite Homes in Souderton—and Dock Meadows personal care community in Hatfield, Living Branches employs more than 600 team members and offers a wide range of housing, support services and life-enriching activities for more than 1,350 residents. Through Dock Manor and Dock Village, Living Branches also offers affordable senior and family housing for those who qualify for rental assistance.