The Mosaic Conference Board has elected Roy Williams, Pastor of College Hill Mennonite Church in Tampa, FL, as the Assistant Moderator-Elect for Mosaic Conference. The election of Williams is a new process, as this is the first time since the origin of Mosaic Conference in 2020 that we will be naming a new Assistant Moderator. Here are a few details, based on the by-laws of the Conference, on how this appointment is made.
The Assistant Moderator is elected by the Mosaic Conference Board by a majority affirmation. At the November Conference Assembly, the Delegate Assembly will be given the opportunity to affirm this appointment through a ballot process with a 50% vote of affirmation required.
Criteria for determining who is appointed:
All Conference Board members must be 18 years of age or older and a member of a Mosaic congregation. To be considered for the Assistant Moderator role, the person needs to have served on the Conference Board at least one term.
While other criteria have not been specified in the Conference by-laws, qualities similar to delegates are considered: commitment to following Jesus, spiritual discernment and mature judgment, active involvement in their congregation or in the Conference, experience serving on committee or boards, and attention to geographic and cultural representation of our Conference members.
Length of Service:
A term for Conference Board and Committee members is three (3) years. The Assistant Moderator serves for one term in this role and ascends to the role of Moderator with approval of the Conference Board. The Moderator serves for one term.
Responsibilities of Assistant Moderator:
The Assistant Moderator serves as vice chair of Conference Board and Chair of the Nominating Committee. In addition, the Assistant Moderator will chair Board and Executive Committee meetings in the absence of the Moderator or fulfill other duties as assigned by the Conference Board or Moderator.
Technically, our by-laws state that the new leaders will commence serving in their role at the first meeting after affirmation by the Delegate body. This means the transition from Assistant Moderator to Moderator takes place January 1. If approved by the Delegate Assembly, Williams will become Assistant Moderator and Angela Moyer Walter will become Moderator on January 1, 2023 . Ken Burkholder will conclude his term as Moderator on December 31, 2022.
If the Assistant Moderator role is vacated between terms, chooses not to ascend to the Moderator role, or if the ascension of the Assistant Moderator is not approved by a majority vote, the remaining Board members may make an appointment by majority vote.