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Mosaic Assembly 2023 Report: Bound Together, Sharing Differences
The newness of Mosaic Conference means we need to ask, “Who are we?” before we ask, “With whom do we affiliate?”
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Ambassadors We’re Learning from This Summer (Part 3)
Learn more about the Ambassadors from Jemaat Kristen Indonesian Anugerah, Iglesia Menonita Shalom, and International Worship Church.
August Board Meeting Sets the Pathway for Mosaic’s Future
“We look forward to who we are becoming as we commit together to do the work of the strategic plan.”
Spruce Lake’s Gap Year students talk about its impact
Renew Gap Year is a program for young adults in its second year at Spruce Lake Ministries, a Mosaic CRM (Conference-Related Ministry).
Joint Youth Group Service Project Honors God and Creation
Serving the community, even in something as small as picking up trash, allows for God to influence that community by motivating us, His children, to act rightly.
Care & Share Thrift Shoppes Partners with St. Luke’s Penn Foundation for Narcan Training and Distribution
The CRM is responding to community needs to help prevent drug overdoses.
Ambassadors We’re Learning from This Summer (Part 2)
Learn more about the Ambassadors from Midian Leadership Project and Luz y Vida.
Helping Mosaic Connect with What God Is Doing in Colombia
In July 2024, Márquez became the Communications Coordinator for Mosaico Colombia, the first time Mosaic has had a staff person there.
Online Spaces of Refuge and Reflection: 7 Ways, Refuge, and Resplandece
Mosaic is a conference that offers space for emerging communities to experiment and follow Jesus in unique and unconventional ways.
Growing by grace: From coast to coast, Indonesians diversify, enrich U.S. Anabaptism
Indonesian churches now make up more than 10% of Mosaic.
Ambassadors We’re Learning from This Summer
Learn more about the Ambassadors from Perkiomenville, Philadelphia Praise Center, and Whitehall Mennonite.
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