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Assembly 2024: Walking Humbly with God, Together
During Assembly worship, 13 new Mosaic leaders (newly credentialed or transferring credentials) were anointed and then offered anointing for all who wished to receive it.
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The Fuentes de Agua Viva House of Prayer: A Beacon of Hope in Monterrey
The work of Irma and José Medrano Solís is a living testimony that true spiritual strength and genuine love can flourish in the most unexpected places.

Courage and Joy: Reflecting on Hope for the Future
That fear was present—but it was far outshone by courage.

Hope for the Future: Celebrating 30 Years of Damascus Road
“My hope for the future is that we can confront the forces of evil in the way of Jesus as we become more intercultural, formational, and missional in the way of Jesus, in a world that is both broken and beautiful.”

Walking with Mosaic: A Historic Encounter
As Mosaic Conference continues to grow, “Let us be attentive to the voice of the Lord, wherever He calls us to get up and go,” – Noel Santiago

Anabaptism at 500: What Anabaptism Means to Me – March 2025
As Mosaic Mennonite Conference commemorates the 500th Anniversary of Anabaptism in 2025, each month we will share a variety of Mosaic voices reflecting on the question, “What does Anabaptism mean to me?”

The Ministry of Medicare Education
For most Americans, Medicare is two things: inevitable and bewildering.

MCC immigration staff in U.S. field urgent calls, questions
Staff across the country are giving increasing numbers of Know Your Rights presentations in churches, schools, and in the community.

The Kick to Preach
Mosaic Conference and our congregations stand on the shoulders of Catherine Longenecker and others like her who refused to withhold their spiritual gifts from the body of Christ.

Fasting 101: Hungering for God and God’s Will
As the season of Lent approaches, we can become aware of our hunger for God through a practice of fasting.

Guided Painting and Fellowship with Homestead Mennonite
The experiences of painting are a lot like a life of faith.

Faithful Transitions: Reflections on Interim Ministry Training
Interim ministers can serve as a vital bridge, helping congregations find the right leader for their next chapter.

Mosaic Conference explores ministry partnership as Program Entity of MC USA
At its January 2025 meeting, Mosaic Conference’s Board decided to explore becoming a Program Entity with Mennonite Church USA (MC USA).
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