Mosaic Conference members will be attending and participating in the upcoming biennial convention of Mennonite Church USA in Kansas City, MO, also known as MennoCon23. The convention for all ages will be held July 3-6 and delegate sessions will follow on July 7-8.
Mosaic Conference will be represented in many ways at the Convention, notably by:
- Danilo Sanchez, Leadership Minister for Intercultural Transformation and one of the Pastors at Ripple (Allentown, PA), is on the MennoCon planning team.
- Marta Castillo, Associate Executive Minister.
- Gwen Groff, Pastor of Bethany Mennonite Church (Bridgewater Corners, VT), and Roy Williams, Assistant Moderator and Pastor of College Hill Mennonite Church (Tampa, FL) will attend as Mosaic Board representatives.
- Stephen Zacheus, Associate Pastor of Jemaat Kristen Indonesia Anugerah (Sierra Madre, CA) and member of Mosaic’s Intercultural Committee, and Michael Howes, Pastor of West Swamp Mennonite Church (Quakertown, PA) and Ministerial and Credentialing Committees member, will attend as Mosaic Committee representatives.
- Noel Santiago, Leadership Minister for Missional Transformation, will be assisting with Spanish Interpretation. (Mosaic Conference’s interpretation equipment will be used for the Convention.)
- Lindy Backues, of Philadelphia (PA) Praise Center, will be leading seminars.
- Whitehall Mennonite Youth (Allentown, PA) and Salford Mennonite Youth (Harleysville, PA) will be attending as a joint youth group.
Other individuals from Mosaic Conference will also be attending as active participants too.
Please pray for the MennoCon23 gathering in Kansas City in July and for those attending.