On July 18, the Mosaic Conference Board moved to form a task force to lead a listening process and review of the Conference’s relationships with Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). The task force will be made up of Board members, staff, and nominated members from across the Conference’s diverse constituency. The task force’s goal is to listen to each Mosaic community and ministry and to provide direction for further discernment at the upcoming Annual Assembly on November 4-5. We welcome your nominations to the task force. (Nomination deadline is Tuesday, August 2.)

Task Force Nominations are due Tuesday, August 2.
At the July meeting, the Board reviewed numerous letters from Mosaic congregations, pastors, and leaders, urging action in considering the ongoing relationships with MC USA. For many, the resolutions and decision-making processes at the MC USA Special Delegate Session in May demonstrated a disconnect with the denomination and Mosaic Conference’s formation document and mission.
Meanwhile, the Board also underscored the significance of prayer in the coming weeks together. Following the Conference’s listening sessions in June, a listening prayer initiative, led by staff, began. The call to prayer is an invitation to hear what the Spirit is saying in the midst of this time of discernment together. Prayer groups have already formed across the Conference, but more are welcome (click here to register). For more information contact Marta Castillo, Associate Executive Minister.
The Board is committed to a thorough, thoughtful, and timely process of listening and discerning. At this time, the Board expects that the task force will take time to first listen to all Mosaic communities, then follow up with more conversations at Assembly scattered sessions in the early fall. With over 8,000 members in nearly 100 member communities and ministries, spread from coast to coast and working in multiple languages, listening to the Spirit as well as each other will require careful and thoughtful attention.
“While we recognize the urgency for some of us in reconsidering the relationships with Mennonite Church USA, the reign of God continues to unfold among us” says Stephen Kriss, Executive Minister. “New pastors continue to be called, new churches continue to form, needs and possibilities are expressed and met. We must continue the good work that God has begun through us as Mosaic in the midst of this process.”
The Board hopes to have the task force named by mid-August. Because Conference delegates must be notified of any balloting processes a month before the November Assembly, a tight timeline may be required for the task force’s work. The task force will need to be prepared to work diligently and collaboratively. Watch Mosaic News for updates in the coming weeks.