MMA, a national faith-based financial services organization, recently awarded Arlin D. Lapp its President’s Award at its national conference in South Bend, Ind. Lapp earned MMA’s highest honor in his role as Mennonite Foundation Eastern Regional Representative.
Based in Telford, Pa., Lapp has served MMA for 20 years, the majority of it with Mennonite Foundation.
The President’s Award was given by MMA President Larry Miller to recognize an individual who provides excellent and responsive service and gives members a unique and valuable experience with MMA. The award honors someone who represents “the face” of MMA and advances the vision of helping people integrate their finances with their faith.
“This was not something I was expecting and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in this way,” Lapp said.
“Arlin has shown an outstanding ability to be the face of MMA,” Miller said. “His professional work and his everyday practice of using his talents to serve others is an inspiration to his colleagues, his community, and MMA as a whole.”
Along with his service to MMA, Lapp has helped raise millions of dollars for several local organizations, as well as a project at Line Lexington Mennonite Church; has volunteered his time to give financial counseling to couples about to get married; and has served as song leader and Sunday school teacher for his church congregation. Lapp has been active in the Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce, the Mennonite Church Historical Committee as well as Mennonite Historians of Eastern Pennsylvania. He has also served on the boards of Christopher Dock Mennonite High School and Penn View Christian School.
A graduate of Ursinus College, Lapp is married to Janet, a retired middle school guidance counselor. The couple has 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
MMA helps people integrate faith and finances through its expertise in insurance and financial services. Rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition, MMA offers practical stewardship education and tools to individuals, congregations, and organizations. To learn more, visit or call (800) 348-7468.
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.
Congrats on this well-deserved reward! As a former co-worker, I have highest regard for your integrity and ability to effectively integrate faith and values with your calling. May you continue to serve the church and God’s Kingdom in powerful ways in years to come!