Today was a pretty eventful day for me. This morning I was asked to help with some of the gardening at the Village. I like to garden and so I agreed to help. My job in the garden was to cut the grass around some of the plants with shears. I was working with this older women. I told her that my group and I were going on a weekend trip to Jerusalem and Bethlehem. She was talking about some of the things I need to see and visit while I was there. It was an interesting conversation.  Apparently our conversation was too interesting because I totally lost focus of what I was doing. I by accidentally cut the tip of my finger. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was in the gift shop dripping blood all over the floor. Janelle, my boss, assisted me to the bathroom in an attempt to stop the blood. As soon as we looked at the cut we both knew that it was pretty deep.Â
I am one of those people who gets extremely grossed out when it comes to blood. I can’t stand the site of blood even my own. After seeing my cut I instantly felt sick and dizzy. Janelle sat me down and told me that I needed to get stitches. The word “stitches” sent a quiver down my spine. I had gotten stitches before and it wasn’t the best experience.Â
I didn’t want to deal with stitches. I also didn’t want to wait around in the hospital. Thankfully the local hospital was literally 1 min away. Dave went with me to the hospital. Which was a good thing because I knew that he was going to school to be a doctor. I was in good hands. We were both impressed how fast it took to stitch me up and send me out the door. Thank God my hospital visit went smoothly
I trusted God the whole time. I knew that he would protect me and keep me safe. While we were in the hospital I kept thinking of Proverbs 3:5-6 . “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” God uses little things in life to really make you think and put your trust in him.Â
The great thing about today was that I got to call my parents and tell them what happened. It was great to hear their voices. God also knew I really needed that as well. I am just realizing how many times a day God teaches me something. Its cool to know that he plans things like this to teach me and to strengthen me.
Kate Bender
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.
It is so good to hear from you, glad to hear that you didn’t faint (wink)! We serve such a faithful and wise God! It is a blessing to experience him in a tangible way-although at times it doesn’t feel like a blessing. I see God in a real way as I watch you grow and mature in your faith. Get some rest, spend time with God, and embrace the opportunity you have before you. When you grow weary, God will give you strength. We are all back here in Telford praying for you and missing you. Love, Angela
Hey Sweetie,
What a blessing you are!! It’s great to hear of your awareness of how God uses every
situation in our lives for the good;to make us the person He wants us to be. Reminds me of my favorite verse Rom.8:28. Also as you said, through your injury we were able to hear your voice,which was so good to hear, if only for a moment.Glad things were not worse and you’re OK. We’re excited to here about your plans for the weekend to Bethlehem and Jerusalem, PLEASE be careful!! Our thanks to Dave and Janelle for taking such good care of you. Blessings and greetings to you and the team. Continue to keep your eyes open to God at work.
With All Our Love & Prayers,
Mom, Dad, & Ethan
I am just like you — reacting to my own blood that way. Whenever I would get cut (when I was younger) Grammy would always tell me to sit down and put my head between my knees, as she knew what was coming, and didn’t want to have to pick me up off the floor. I’m glad you had a good hospital experience. And I’m glad you are alright! These things happen and it sounds like you responded in the right way – trusting the Lord and recalling a verse you put to memory. Dave sounds like an incredible guy. I’m glad he is with you on the trip.
Take care.
Aunt Alli
Kate m’dear girl, It is good to hear how you move on frlom Mexico. Shall you come home with photos of yet another place in the world you’d love to live? 🙂 Keep your head up and your eyes open friend, even at times when you pray. There is so much to learn from the who and the what around you. My prayer is that you continue asking for the eyes and ears to experience what our Abba God has for you. Love you – keep living out the call in Israel.