As we walk by the shopkeepers and wave or nod a hello they confidently smile and say “welcome.” This is telling of the hospitality and generosity here in Nazareth.
Someone once told me “Americans live to work and everyone else in the world works to live.” I’ve thought about this concept daily as we work in the village here. It seems that nearly every time we are not busy working, the others (the locals who run the village) are calling us to come and sit with them to have a coffee break. The coffee is flavored with cardamom and is supposed to fight the heat of the day. I’m not sure if it works yet, but it is good and strong. Besides, we are willing to try anything, in addition to drinking multiple liters of water, as it has been around 104 F. for most of our stay. (today we enjoyed the 90’s).
Today Tim, Karah, Dave, and I began work on rebuilding the second of two roofs over a house in the village. It is good to work and be with Tim after being apart for most of the time since high school. We have both changed and matured in many ways over that span, yet we quickly realized our senses of humor have remained the same. Needless to say, the work day is filled with laughter and enriching conversations in between other strange noises and flying clods of dirt. Aside from this lightness of mood and the afore mentioned adjustment to a difference in work ethic, we do work hard.
Since arriving here I have learned a myriad of details which clarify and enrich the biblical story. One of which is that Joseph was probably not a carpenter in a quaint woodworking shop as we might imagine. It is more likely that he was a sort of 1st century contractor who worked not only with wood, but also stone, mud, reeds, and mortar. He built houses, and Jesus would have worked along side his father, hoisting buckets of mud and stone like we have been doing for the last week.
I look at my hands at the end of each day and survey the damage. It usually consists of a few cuts and blisters from swinging a pick or hoe as well as the results of being sucked dry by the limestone and left raw from pulling buckets to the roof. I can’t help but think that Jesus was ripped and his hands must have been calloused from years of carpentry work.
Ben Davies
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.
Hello Ben:
I can identify with the work ethic. We (westerners) have the get it done mentality and often carry that with us when we travel to serve in other parts of the world. Cultures that have a much longer history then ours will always rather spend the quality time to get to know you first, sit down in the heat of the day, offer coffee or tea, and have conversations about family and life. I regret not being more sensitive to this. The first step in the big picture is being able to listen to each other and to speak Blessing and Peace into every situation. My prayer is that you all will pay careful attention to what our neighbors are saying and share their thoughts with us when you return so we can continue the dialogue together…and have a second cup for me.
After you return to PA, I’d love to spend some time with you and Khara, hearing about your journey in the Middle East. I spent a few months there during my college years, and it had a huge impact on my faith and understanding of the Scriptures. I’m so thankful that you and Khara are having this experience. Our prayers are with you and the group.
Walk in the love of Jesus, the carpenter from Nazareth,