After a busy weekend traveling over northern Israel, it feels like home to come back to our hostel in Nazareth. We were all pretty tired and parched from the heat and travel, but as Karah said, it doesn’t get much better than watching the sun rise over the Galilee and set over the Mediterranean.
It has been two years since I have been in this part of the world, and before coming back to lead this trip with Youth Venture, I was looking through some of the journals I had written from when I had traveled here in 2005. I found a journal where I talked a bit about my Israeli friend Maoz, and how he had a vision to start a youth hostel in the Arab city of Nazareth to build peace in his country.
And coming back now, it’s amazing to see what has happened. Maoz’s dream, The Fauzi Azar Inn, has helped to revitalize the old city of Nazareth and bring life back to the semi-desolate marketplace and stones of the medina. He has helped to foster interaction and hospitality between international visitors with both Arabs from Nazareth and Israelis looking for a weekend getaway. Many volunteers for Nazareth Village stay at the Inn and visitors to the Inn visit the village. Those from Nazareth speak about Maoz with great respect, as they know that he has helped to build peace in the town of Jesus.
When we oriented ourselves to the village last week, we sat in the first century synagogue and discussed Luke 4:14-20, where Jesus returns to his home town after his time in the desert, and says:
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
As a group, we have been meeting many different people in this complex land, each with their own story and perspective. This weekend, we will be traveling to Jerusalem and Bethlehem and experiencing the heart of this country where more religions and people mix into a city that is unlike any other in the world.
Through becoming a part of the Biblical story and living amidst the stories of many others, we are continually learning what the Luke 4 passage meant both for those in the first century and us today. We are anticipating what it will be like to return to our home towns in two weeks and share this will our churches, families and friends.
On Sunday, we were at the beach near the ancient Caesarea aqueduct, hanging out with Maoz, his wife Shlomit, and their 18th month-old son Liad who is the happiest boy you could ever imagine. I feel priviledged to be here again and to be a part of the ever-developing story of the people in this region. It’s exciting to imagine what the next chapter, and how it may be connected to us all.
David Landis
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.
Dear Dave,
I was moved to tears by your journal entry from today, especially after re-reading the entry from your visit 2 years ago. It’s amazing to see how God has led in your friendship with Maoz, the opening of the inn, and the connection with Nazareth Village. What wonderful opportunities you have been blessed with!! We pray that God will continue to give you wisdom and strength in your leadership role. Say Hi to Maoz for us and tell him that we are looking forward to meeting him and his family next spring. I love you. Mom
Hello to Dana and the rest of the group. Hope you are having a wonderful time being where Jesus walked. It must be pretty amazing!!!!. I am proud of you for going Dana and hope that you feel Gods presence every day every where you go.
Good Ole Holmes County is pretty hot right now too!!!!:):)
It has been such a blessing to read all of your blogs and get a small window into what you are experiencing–and how you are growing! Please know that we, at the Mission Network, are praying for your team and are excited to see how you are finding God with you in many ways.
Keep writing! 🙂
Arloa Bontrager
Dave–thanks for what you are doing to help us be connected, in telling and retelling the stories. Imagining what annointing toward Good News and proclamation might mean. Weaving connections together that create something new from varied strands of experiences and perspectives. Hope you have a good weekend in Jerusalem as the dreams continue to become realities or as in the Biblical tradition, the faith and hope becomes sight and flesh.
Dave, you all make me want to be able to live fully in more than one place at a time! I am thankful that you continue to share, with those who would read, morsels of the world as you see and feel and love it. Keep on brother man, keep on.
I want to affirm you calling to leadership in this style of ministry. I know God is at work in the lives of each person as I read their blogs. This trip has fanned the flame in the heart of the group. For each person my prayer is that life will no longer be ordinary after this exposure, you have met your neighbor in the Middle East and you can move mountains.