So far this trip has been a really stretching experience for me. Being here has shown me that I will not always be comfortable if I am doing the things that God has called me to do. Service often means sacrificing your comfort for others’.
When the letter came that told me that I had been accepted to come on this trip, I was so excited I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. As the day drew nearer, however, I became more and more anxious. I didn’t know anyone in the group and I knew hardly anything about what we would actually be doing there. I would have seized any opportunity I could to get out of going. I’m definately glad none of those opportunities ever showed up.
When I woke up this morning I was not really looking forward to a day of hiking around site seeing in hundred degree weather. I’ve been feeling pretty sick the last few days, as well. My outlook, however, became more positive with every site we visited. We went to the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the sermon on the mount. We saw the ruins of Peter’s house, climbed the cliffs of Arbel, and swam in the Sea of Galilee. It was amazing to go to these places because Jesus was actually there, he actually walked where I was walking! It brought all the stories I’ve heard a thousand times to life. It made them exciting and relevant again. Being here has has completely changed the way I think about the Bible. Those stories are real, they’re not just pieces of fiction. Despite its rough start, the day turned out to be pretty amazing.
Khalicia Leichty
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.
Khalicia, I’m so happy you are getting to have these adventurous experiences! Could you possibly have imagined 6 months ago that you would be swimming in the Sea of Galilee this summer? Reminds me of Ephesians 3:20, of how God is able to do abundantly more that all we can ask or imagine. WOW! It makes the Jersey Shore seem a bit superfluous… I looked at the long range forecast for you and it looks like it will cool down over the next 10 days. That should be a relief. We Love you like crazy!
The pictures look awesome! What a great experience for you. I’m enjoying reading the blog and looking at all the pictures, but it will be more fun to hear about it from you in person. Now, I want to go, too!
Living in another culture, even briefly, can be life changing. If you haven’t figured it out already, you will never be the same having had this experience. You are fortunate that you have these kind of opportunities and I’m impressed that you are willing to take the risk in taking advantage of them. You will have much to share when you return and I look forward to hearing about your experiences. The song, “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked” will have new meaning for you.
Sheesh. I’m so excited for you. Sometimes, I think of that day when I found out you applied and how flippen proud of you i was. Oh wait, that’s still the case. Really.
I’m thinking about you and your group often. And I can’t wait to make you do all sorts of reports and presentations and interviews and….
Just kidding. Make the most of your short time there. And seriously, take good notes. I want to hear it all.
I love you.
What a wonderful experience for you. I’m glad you’re there and didn’t back out, even when you wondered if you really wanted to go. Personally, I’ve found there’s a bit of overlap between faithfulness and foolishness! May you always have the guts to follow your heart and take the risks involved with faithfulness.
Teresa, for me, Phil and Sara
Woohoo! What an excellent lifechanging adventure. You are truly tough…it’s not fun to feel good and be hot and dusty and still keep going.
Rusty says don’t caught up in Biblical culture and lose your head in the following areas: don’t stone anyone, don’t slay anyone, try to walk on water.
Love, Mary Lou
Woohoo! What an excellent lifechanging adventure. You are truly tough…it’s not fun to feel good and be hot and dusty and still keep going.
Rusty says don’t caught up in Biblical culture and lose your head in the following areas: don’t stone anyone, don’t slay anyone, and don’t try to walk on water.
Love, Mary Lou
Good Evening Khalicia,
This is August 1 and we are in hot Kansas. It was 95 today and humid. We are so happy that you are having a great experience in Nazareth. Wehopeto see all of your pictures and hear your story when we get home.
Welove you. Grandma and Grandpa Leichty
It’s awesome to get to see all these pictures and hear about the places you’ve visited and things you’ve done. I second Jill’s comment to take notes, I want to hear about it all!
Have a great rest of your time there, I’ll keep checking in and see what all you’ve done.
I’m praying for you girl! hugs from oregon.
love, sharayah.