As Eastern District and Franconia Conferences continue to work together, we are taking time to get to know one another with introductions to our congregations. Join in the fun–submit your congregation’s intro today!
West Swamp Mennonite Church began as the “Swamp Charge” in 1717 with German immigrant families meeting in homes. The first log meetinghouse was constructed in 1735and the first building on our current location, 2501 Allentown Road, Quakertown, PA, was built in 1790. It would be replaced in 1819 and 1873.
West Swamp is a family-centered church intent on caring for one another, opening our facility for local ministries, and finding ways to meet the needs of our local community and the world. Our congregation is primarily of Pennsylvania German/ Mennonite descent but has recently added several families from non-Christian or Catholic backgrounds. We rejoice in this gift as we seek to bring more diversity to our faith community.
Our Sunday worship consists of a blended music style using a cappella music, piano, guitar and organ with an adult and children’s choir, regular children’s spots, and a sharing time. Worship attendance averages just over 100.
Shaping our life together is our guiding scripture, 1 Peter 4: 8-11 – adapted as follows: “As the body of Christ, we are called to be a reflection of God by loving each other deeply, offering hospitality to one another with cheerful hearts and demonstrating God’s grace by using our gifts to serve others; so that, in all things, God may be praised through Jesus Christ.”

Our Mission Statement & Values: “West Swamp Mennonite Church seeks to be a reflection of God in its living, loving and serving by joyfully participating in Vital Worship, Mutual Care, Faithful Stewardship, Anabaptist Faith Formation, and Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others through word and deed.”
In our congregation, a Ministry Team provides spiritual oversight, direction, accountability, and protection for our life together. The Ministry Team consists of the pastor, Kathy Yoder, and several Deacons chosen from our church family, led by a Ministry Team chairperson.
Each deacon oversees a Commission connected with our values: Worship, Community, Stewardship, Discipleship, and Mission. We encourage each member of the church to discern their gifts and connect with at least one of these commissions.
We also encourage participation in a small group that meets regularly outside Sunday worship for further support and nurture. Along with small groups, we are excited about making community connections through our “Why Knot Week” (knotting comforters for Mennonite Central Committee), annual Egg Hunt and Benefit Concert, Community Cookie Bake, and participation in Quakertown Alive.
We are pleased to share our facility with several community groups: Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and the Church of God: A Worldwide Association, resulting in some 300 community persons enjoying our space. We celebrate our growing relationship with these ministries as we continue to seek God’s guidance on following God’s Way.