Finland Mennonite Church is the body of 200+ believers that meet for worship together on Ziegler Road in Pennsburg, PA. The church was established in 1931 as a church plant out of the Franconia Conference Home Missions Program in a building just down the road from our current location. The church sits at the intersection of several regions and our congregation includes people from many different towns and students from more than four school districts.
The church is led spiritually by lead pastor John Ehst, associate pastor Kris Wint, and the elder team; ministry directors supervise many other aspects of the ministries we provide. Our mission statement is “Looking Up, Moving Forward, Reaching Out:” looking up, we trust God for salvation, are passionate in our worship, and are confident in prayer; moving forward, we are expecting that our life together in Christ will change us into the character of Jesus and equip us for His service; reaching out, we are compelled by Jesus’ love to reach out to our neighbors and friends with the healing and hope of the Gospel of Christ.
We are dedicated to serving our community through ministries which include a free Coffee Drive-Thru, Laundromat Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and many others. Finland is also a part of UPPEN (Upper Perk Prayer Evangelical Network), a group of churches across many denominational backgrounds joining together to reach the community for Christ; we participate in several UPPEN ministries including Adopt-a-Street and Freedom Festival.
Our body is made up of diverse people of all ages, many of whom do not come from a Mennonite background. We’re also dedicated to growing together in community and have active groups that meet for Bible study and fellowship including Moms of Preschoolers Group, Senior Citizens, and many in between. We have been brought together in this community because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to our lives. It’s the effect of the Gospel that draws us together for energetic worship and authentic fellowship!