Teaching on Intercession
Pastors: A unique opportunity is available for intercessors and those interested in learning more about intercession. Beginning Sunday, February 13, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Franconia Mennonite Conference Center, Noel Santiago, will share teaching on this important gift in the life of the church. You are encouraged to tap a few people in your congregation to attend this teaching which will be continued on March 13 and April 3, both Sunday evenings. You are also encouraged to consider attending yourselves for greater understanding and a blessing.
Pastors’ and Leaders’ Breakfast with the Moderators: Pastors and Conference Related Ministry leaders are invited to attend a breakfast at the Mennonite Conference Center, Thursday, February 17, from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Moderator John Goshow and Assistant Moderator Miriam Book welcome you to a time of conversation about the board’s recent decisions and appointment of Ertell Whigham as Executive Minister of Franconia Mennonite Conference. Bring your questions and counsel for a time of open conversation about the changes and future direction.