Indonesian Light Church, Philadelphia, PA, asks for your prayers, that they would have the capacity to reach out and becoming a spiritual home to many unchurched people in South Philadelphia. See the below video to learn more about ILC!
Indonesian Light Church (ILC) was founded on January 22, 2012 in Philadelphia, in the home of one of the elders. On that day, the first service took place with other nine congregations and was led by Pastor Pison Sinambela. When it began, it was known as Indonesian Lutheran Fellowship.
In July 2013, the congregation moved to its present location at 1612 South Broad Street.
We also meet in the church for our weekly bible study, led by the elders or one of the rotating preaching team.
In March, the congregation changed its name to Indonesian Light and began the process to join the Mennonite family.
Our Mission: Indonesian Light Church (ILC) is a Christian Family of Believers providing spiritual and physical aid to the Indonesian community in the Philadelphia area. ILC is a growing congregation and aspires to be a good servant to the people of Philadelphia and beyond, and as a role model with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:8).
Our Vision: ILC’s vision is to be a church and a body of Christ which gives light, has strong roots, and is fruitful for the purpose of sharing with others (Matthew 5:14).