“A Day Apart” for Pastors
Pastors and credentialed leaders of Franconia Conference: You are invited to “A Day Apart” planned just for you by Franconia Conference on Wednesday, September 9 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Camp Men-O-Lan. The purpose of the day is to provide a space and time for you to come away and spend time with God in a beautiful, relaxed setting to be refreshed and restored. There will be opportunities for guided prayer, worship, being alone and being in a small group, as well as personal prayer ministry with a prayer team. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 2 to Sandy Landes.
Healthcare Resolution Update
Mennonite Church USA has provided extensive information on the healthcare resolution passed at convention 2009. Pastors and church leaders are encouraged by MC USA to help congregational participants connect their faith to the healthcare resolution passed at Mennonite Church USA Convention 2009 and the current health care issues in our country. Featured on the website are easy to access congregational handouts as well as printable copies of the Mennonite Church healthcare resolution. Pastors can gain practical sermon helps and suggested actions steps at www.MennoniteUSA.org/peace.