(posted March 11) Zion Mennonite Church, Souderton, invites all to participate in an End Gun Violence Walk, April 6, 2025, starting at Zion at 1 pm, walking along Rt. 113 sidewalks for public witness, and culminating at Souderton Borough Park, Wile Ave., with letter writing to legislators about reasonable gun laws. More details at https://www.facebook.com/zmcsouderton
Bulletin Announcements
Mosaic Conference distributes announcements submitted by conference churches, conference related ministries and churchwide ministries for churches to run in their weekly bulletin.
If you have a bulletin announcement you would like the Conference to distribute, please submit it to office@MosaicMennonites.org in 75 words or less. We reserve the right to edit for length, content and clarity.
Patchwork Coffeehouse
(posted March 10) You are invited to the Perkasie Mennonite Church’s Patchwork Coffeehouse live concert with Poor Man’s Gambit on March 22, 2025, 7:30 pm, at 320 W Chestnut St., Perkasie, Pa. This dynamic Celtic trio brings together diverse Fiddle, Button Accordion, Guitar, Bodhran, Whistle, Cittern, Flute, Vocals, and Dance. Wheelchair accessible
Bally MC Pancake Bfast
(posted March 1) PANCAKE BREAKFAST at Bally Mennonite Church, Route 100, Bally, PA, March 15, 7:00am to 10:00am. Pancakes & French toast, scrapple & sausage, eggs and beverages. All are welcome. Cost: Donation. Proceeds will support the Bally Community Center. Questions? 610-845-7780 or see website www.ballymc.org.
Souderton Concert
(posted February 17) Souderton Mennonite Church (105 W. Chestnut Street, Souderton, PA 18964) would like to invite you to join us for An Irish Heritage Afternoon, a free concert Saturday, March 15th at 3pm featuring Celtic Caravan and the Irish dancers from Pride of Erin School of Irish Dance. For more information visit our website https://soudertonmennonite.org/2023-concert-series/
Zion Nursery School
(posted February 17) Zion Mennonite Nursery School, Souderton, Pa. is now enrolling for the 2025 – 2026 school year. Our school offers programs for children ages 3-5. Call to schedule a tour at 215-723-3592.