Reference Check – incumbent Please fill out the following form by asking the chairperson the below questions: Date Called:(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of incumbent member:(Required) Phone:(Required)Board/Committee:(Required) Chairperson:(Required) Nominating Committee contact:(Required) Is the nominee a member in good standing of a Mosaic (MMC) congregation?(Required) Yes No Does the nominee support the work and ministry of Mosaic (MMC)?(Required) Yes No Congregation name:(Required) Congregational City:(Required) Nominee’s age group:(Required) 18-30 31-40 41-64 65+ Nominee's occupation:(Required) Employer:(Required) In general, how do you see (nominee name) working on a Board/committee? Can you give examples that illustrate the strengths of their Board/committee participation? Other leadership examples?(Required)One of the important aspects of the Board/Committee work is acting on behalf of the whole church, not specific agenda. Do you see (nominee name) being able to do this? (Under the policy governance system that most of our boards use, board members are asked to give their attention to vision, goals, policy, and “big picture” types of issues rather than programmatic types of issues. How do you see this person working in this structure?) Please give examples of (nominee name) working at the big picture, vision, goals, or policy?(Required)Another important characteristic is the ability to work with people of diverse ethnic, theological, or cultural backgrounds. Are you aware of examples in life experience of (nominee name) that you can share with me as examples?(Required)What skills or gifts and/or spiritual gifts would you see the nominee making contributions to this position? Would you support the nominee serving in this position?(Required)Are you aware of any possible conflicts of interest for the nominee to serve in this position? For example, does the person work for an entity that somehow might relate to this Board/Committee?(Required)Are there any potential “red flags” or reasons why the nominee should not be considered? (Examples include health concerns, marital problems, and spiritual life concerns, lack of wholesome connections with the local congregation or poor attendance history for other meetings.)(Required)Is there anything else you would like to say that I have not asked about, or you have not had opportunity to share with me?(Required)