by Jennifer Svetlik
Nearly 350 people gathered for Mosaic Mennonite Conference’s Assembly on November 2, 2024. The annual Assembly opened with worship (livestream available here), which included energetic singing led by a worship team from seven Mosaic congregations.
The focus text for the Assembly’s theme, Walk Humbly with God, Micah 6:8, was read in eight worshiping languages of the conference, Cantonese, Creole, English, Indonesian, Karen, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Posters of bibles depicting the scripture in each language, were colored by guests of the Conference-Related Ministry (CRM) Ripple Community, Inc. The youth dance group from Whitehall (PA) Mennonite honored the Humble King.

Keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Dennis Edwards preached on reclaiming humility as a marker of Christian identity, which he defines as “a way of life rooted in submission to God and demonstrated in actions that foster mutuality rather than competition.”
He believes that the U.S. church will “have a stronger witness, more fruitful influence, and increasingly more Christ-like reputation if we recover what humility is meant to be,” which is neither a “self-help strategy” nor “something we can turn off and on.”
Pointing out the various ways that humility is described in the scriptures, he said, “Humility has a trajectory. It starts out as submission to God, and then moves out like a projectile to influence others.”

The time of worship included a prayer in three languages for Mosaic’s discernment around relating the MC USA, and for discernment in the upcoming U.S. elections, and a prayer for the thousands of employees, volunteers, and people impacted within the Mosaic Conference-Related Ministries (CRMs).
Those gathered honored two credentialed leaders who had died in the past year and Boyertown (PA) Mennonite, which has closed. Thirteen new Mosaic leaders (newly credentialed or transferring credentials) were anointed and then offered anointing for all who wished to receive it.

Following worship was the morning session, where 170 delegates committed to a table covenant, engaged in relationship building, and reflected on what from worship would inform their work for the day. Communion was shared in the table groups, and the three new Mosaic member congregations and one new CRM were welcomed: Ark of Christ (Westminster, CA), Bethel Worship and Teaching Center (Levittown, PA), and Resplandece Mennonite (Pembroke Pines, FL and Barranquilla, Colombia) and The Worm Project (Lansdale, PA).
Time for lunch, fellowship, and visiting with the leaders of Mosaic’s CRMs and other agencies followed the morning session.
In the afternoon delegate session, Mosaic Conference’s Associate Executive Minister Marta Castillo and Leadership Minister for Intercultural Transformation Danilo Sanchez shared about Mosaic’s Strategic Plan for 2025-2027, which is the primary outcome of a two-year strategic planning process led by Mosaic’s Pathway Steering Team, and the Vibrant Mosaic Program.
The plan is centered around five pillars: Clarity/Identity, Communication, Leadership Development, Relationship Building, and Reconciliation, and some of the proposed activities include: study groups for history and theology, expanding the Ambassadors young leaders program and Nations and Generations gathering, a Mosaic cookbook, training in peace circles for resolving conflict, and mechanisms for more two-way communication. Delegates shared feedback on how they envision their congregations and CRMs participating in the work, and what challenges they anticipate.
Makinto and Mukarabe Makinto, Associate Pastors of LA (CA) Faith Chapel and Directors of CRM Amahoro International, led the group in a powerful peacebuilding and drumming ritual, guided by Micah 6:8.

“Our time spent drumming is us being Mosaic,” Mosaic Conference Moderator Angela Moyer Walter reflected after Assembly. “When we drum, we are having fun together, soaking in scripture, listening to one another and our different rhythms, and making a beautiful song for God.”
The afternoon included discernment on redefining Mosaic’s relationship with MC USA. Read more about the delegate sessions and the vote on partnership with MC USA.
After the vote, the Philadelphia (PA) Praise Center youth worship team led the gathered body in songs of praise. Leadership Minister for Formation Rose Bender Cook led a body prayer of surrender, reminding those gathered that “humility is a posture of the heart.”

Beyond the main event, the weekend included a brunch at the Dock campus of CRM Living Branches (Lansdale, PA) with Rev. Dr. Dennis Edwards for CRM and BIPOC leaders, the annual Nations and Generations Gathering for BIPOC leaders at the CRM Mennonite Heritage Center (Harleysville, PA), and Sunday pulpit swaps and visits by Mosaic leaders.

Jennifer Svetlik
Jennifer is Editor & Development Coordinator for Mosaic. She grew up near Houston, TX and spent a decade living in intentional community in Washington DC, before moving to Lansdale, PA with her spouse, Sheldon Good. She is a graduate of the University of Texas and Washington Theological Seminary. She serves as Children’s Faith Formation Director at Salford Mennonite (Harleysville, PA). Jenn has two elementary-school-aged children and loves biking, camping, gardening, and vermicomposting with her family.
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.