By Jenn Svetlik

When Mosaic Conference gathers for Assembly on Saturday, November 4, it will be just the second time our conference has gathered fully in-person. Hundreds of delegates and congregational leaders from California, Florida, Vermont, New Jersey, and southeastern Pennsylvania will convene in Souderton, PA to join for worship and prayer, fellowship, strategic planning, discussion, and active listening.
“Assembly is an opportunity to get to know the breadth and depth of our Conference community,” shared Angela Moyer Walter, Conference Moderator. “So much good work gets done virtually within our Conference. That work in committees is so valuable, but nothing is more important than gathering in person and really getting to connect more deeply.”
“Amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine, violence in the Middle East and in many other places, we are called, as people of Christ’s peace, to bear witness to God’s emet, God’s powerful kindness and faithful truth,” Moyer Walter continued. Conference Assembly offers an opportunity for Mosaic delegates and guests to do so, across a variety of differences.
The day will begin with worship, vibrant music, and a sermon by Hyacinth Stevens of MCC East Coast, who will offer much to reflect on about following Christ in community.
There will also be the opportunity to recognize newly credentialed leaders. Gathering to anoint and pray for these leaders is a sign of hope for all who are gathered. It is a reminder that God calls new leaders, gives them wisdom, and empowers them to do the work that God has given to our Conference.
During Assembly, we will also acknowledge the four congregations who have left Mosaic within the past year.
There will be an extended period for lunch and relationship building, and time to visit the Exhibit Hall, to connect with others beyond one’s own table groups, and to visit Conference Related Ministries and other agencies.
In the afternoon, delegates will gather for continued discussion around commonalities, differences, and tensions among Mosaic congregations, and an opportunity to work at Mosaic’s strategic plan together.
“In preparation for Assembly we have been fasting and praying the scriptures together to prepare to listen well to God and to one another,” said Moyer Walter. “At Assembly we are invited to listen to God together, to set aside our own perspectives, and get to know our collective body and listen together.”
What to Expect: Prayer Room
The Pathway Forward Process invites us “To share in the practice of continued prayer and fasting so that we may discern, yield, and listen to the Spirit among us.”
All are invited to take time during Assembly to spend time in the prayer room. It is provided as a space for intercessors to gather and pray onsite for the Assembly participants and proceedings. Intercessors who are not onsite can commit to praying from where they are. Each is invited to pray for a one-hour block of time from the start of Assembly until its conclusion.
Any assembly attendees who want a quiet space for prayer and reflection can visit the prayer room. (The prayer room will be located in a room off of the back of the sanctuary. Please follow the signs.) If an intercessor is present, they will be available to pray with any who comes in and desires prayer.
While the focus of the prayer room centers on the Assembly proceedings, the prayers can include personal concerns that attendees may have beyond the Assembly agenda.
In the delegate sessions, we will learn about rhythm and peacebuilding with a drum, led by Makinto, Associate Pastor of Los Angeles Faith Chapel. Participants should bring a handheld rhythm instrument such as a tambourine, drumsticks, or a shaker egg. (Or plan to clap along.) “Rhythm is a heavenly heartbeat that touches the body and mind and interconnects different parts of our essential being. It heals our heart, it soothes our soul,” Makinto shared.
In the afternoon, those gathered will celebrate communion, an embodied practice that unifies us as followers of Jesus. “The intention in celebrating communion at Assembly is to gather as the body of Christ, from many congregations and groups in the context of Mosaic, to remember the new covenant and Jesus’s return,” said Marta Castillo, Associate Executive Minister. “It is a unifying and holy space to be in together.”
Beyond the Saturday main event is a weekend of connecting and being community together. It begins on Friday with the Renewing Nations and Generations annual gathering for People of the Global Majority/People of Color. The gathering is a chance to reconnect, worship together, eat together, and learn together on this year’s theme of migration.
We look forward to seeing you at Mosaic’s Assembly on November 4. For further information, please see Mosaic’s Assembly website.

Jenn Svetlik
Jennifer Svetlik (she/her) directs children’s education and justice Initiatives at Salford Mennonite Church and works in fundraising and marketing for Roots of Justice. She and her partner Sheldon have two young children and live in Lansdale, PA.
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.