In 2022, Pastors, Beny Krisbianto and Angelia Susanto, of Nations Worship Center in Philadelphia, PA were concerned for the youth at their church. The married couple invited Graciella Odelia, a member of Nations Worship Center and college student, to dinner. Pastor Beny and Pastor Angelia shared their concern for the youth of the church with Odelia and told her that they sensed that God was calling Odelia to take up this work.
When this dinner occurred, Graciella Odelia was a biochemistry major at Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, VA) and intended to go to medical school. But God had other plans.
After the dinner with her pastors, Odelia prayed for guidance and felt a clear sense to accept and pursue the call to youth ministry. Odelia thought she was training to become a doctor. God called her to be a youth minister instead.
Meanwhile, Pastor Beny and his family visited the revival at Asbury University in Kentucky in February 2023. He came away with a strong concern to encourage and equip the younger generation, since these youth will be the future leaders and shapers of the church. As a result, Nations Worship Center (NWC) decided to create a special service for the youth. NWC applied for and received funds from a Mosaic Missions Operational Grant1 to support the youth ministry.
The special youth service, which is conducted in English, takes place on Saturday afternoons after worship practice. The youth service includes games, worship, a sermon, and fun, informal times of eating and conversation. Odelia and Pastor Beny take turns leading worship and presenting God’s word in a sermon.
About 20 young people, who range from ages 10 to 20, attend. Some are from Nations Worship Center; others come from other Indonesian congregations, such Philadelphia Praise Center (PA). A few have no church home. The service is designed to meet the needs of youth who feel they have outgrown Sunday School. The youth have also done service projects, such as helping to pack food for needy families Philadelphia.

As Odelia served NWC’s youth, she enrolled in a certificate program in Christian Studies at Eastern Mennonite Seminary. She found the courses in biblical studies, theology, and spiritual formation helpful.
“I felt that a single year of seminary education wasn’t sufficient,” Odelia explained. “I lacked the necessary skills to effectively guide the youth in their spiritual journeys.” This fall, she will begin studies in the seminary’s Master of Arts in Christian Leadership program, with an emphasis in youth ministry.

Odelia has discovered other opportunities and skills in her journey as a youth minister. To advertise for the youth service, she learned how to design flyers. She is also learning more about website design and video editing for NWC. “Exploring unfamiliar territories and learning new things have been an exhilarating journey,” Odelia said. “It was challenging, but I grew.”
Even though leading youth ministry was not her original plan, Odelia feels closer to God because of it. “This calling pulled me back to God,” she said. She is grateful for a deeper walk with God and is thankful for where she sees God at work in her life and in the lives of the youth. We pray for God’s special blessing on this ministry.
1Missional Operations Grants (MOGs) are available to all Mosaic congregations for creative partnerships and new possibilities for missional engagement both in the surrounding community and farther away. The ministries and projects that have been funded by Missional Operations Grants are those building on the Mennonite tradition of faith and are trying new and creative initiatives to engage their own communities or people around the globe. To apply for a Mission Operations Grant, talk with your Leadership Minister.
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.