The Mosaic Conference Board met September 20, 2021 to prepare for the annual Assembly and to review a process for conversation with Dock Mennonite Academy in response to allegations of misconduct in March 2021. The Conference board meets bimonthly. Most meetings are a hybrid combination of virtual and in-person attendance, so that members can attend across the Conference’s wide geography.
Process with Dock Academy
The Board reviewed a process prepared by the Ministerial Committee and the Conference Related Ministries (CRM) Committee for further conversation with the leadership of Dock Mennonite Academy. The Board affirmed the proposed process to move forward, rooted in the Conference’s agreement with CRMs (of Community and Accountability) and the Giving and Receiving Counsel document for credentialed leaders.
Conference leaders will be meeting with leaders from Dock Academy in October to review the process. More information will be available in the coming weeks as this process continues.
New member congregations and ministries
In preparation for Assembly, the Board affirmed Iglesia Menonita Pena de Horeb (Philadelphia, PA) and Faith Chapel (Los Angeles, CA) as new member congregations and The Midian Project (Charleston, WV) as a new Conference Related Ministry (CRM). These memberships will be officially affirmed and blessed in the annual delegate session in November. Information to introduce these congregations and ministries to the Conference will soon be available through the Mosaic Newsletter and website.
Annual Assembly pivot to online
The Board approved a change from in-person to virtual Assembly participation with localized watch parties due to the current COVID conditions, our geographic spread, and our diverse constituency. The delegate sessions will be held on Zoom from 1-3pm Eastern/10am-12pm Pacific on Saturday, November 6. The annual worship will be broadcast from a central location with watch parties for delegates across the Conference community at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific. More information regarding opportunities to gather as small groups for Conference worship will be coming in the next few weeks.