Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace and justice. MCC envisions worldwide communities in right relationship with God, one another, and creation.
(Heart2Heart photo/Stefany Gallo)
Our work is built on the foundational support of the church. Over the decades and still today, MCC gathers people across differences to work together to share God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ. Some have been MCC volunteers internationally, some have been active in MCC relief sales, some have volunteered at MCC Material Resources Centers and MCC Thrift shops, some have made financial gifts to MCC’s work.
As we read in 1 Corinthians 12:4, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.” That variety of gifts in the church has been blessing communities around the world in the name of Christ through MCC’s ministries for more than 100 years. And those gifts have life breathed into them by God’s Spirit—the one Spirit which binds all of God’s children together.
Whether in Miami or India, the desire of God’s heart is that all may experience the abundant life which Jesus claimed as his reason for coming—so that all of God’s children may live lives of dignity in thriving communities.
Thank you for following God’s call on your life to bless a hurting world in partnership with MCC. Thank you for being part of MCC’s century-old story and part of the MCC family.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for MCC representatives Derrick and Rebekah Good Charles and local church partners in Honduras and Nicaragua who continue to offer support after two devastating hurricanes in November 2020.
- Give thanks for MCC supporters who have demonstrated amazing creativity, tenacity, and passion in finding ways to continue to bless the world in partnership with MCC.
- Pray for God’s wisdom as MCC discerns the most appropriate ways forward in MCC spaces where people gather during the time of COVID-19, including Material Resources Centers, Thrift shops and relief sales.
- Give thanks for MCC’s Peace Clubs, started by Issa Ebombolo in 2006. The model has expanded to curriculum implemented in churches, schools, prisons and refugee camps on three continents.
- Please pray for MCC peacebuilding work in the U.S., Canada, and internationally, which includes facilitating interfaith dialogue and relationship-building across cultural, racial, and ethnic divides.