by Jennifer Svetlik, Salford congregation

“I’ve always been interested in creative work, in making things. It is how I spend much of my free time,” shares Cindy Angela, Digital Communications Associate for Mosaic Mennonite Conference. “When this job opportunity became available, I believed it was God’s calling.”
In early September, Angela began in this new role, which includes managing the conference’s digital communications, such as creating content for and updating the website and social media channels. It also includes video editing, graphic design, and coordinating the translation of documents. Because Mosaic Conference operates in many languages, including Chinese, English, Indonesian, Spanish and Vietnamese, ensuring that communications are accurately translated is an important ongoing project.
“I am looking forward to working in many mediums to share the stories of Mosaic Conference,” says Angela. “Most recently I worked as a graphic designer and in marketing. Having the opportunity to work on a wider scope of projects, including video editing, writing, and translation will be energizing.”
Angela is originally from Indonesia and moved to Philadelphia, PA to study Communications at Temple University. She found it difficult to adapt as an international student. But, when she found Philadelphia Praise Center (PPC), a Mosaic Conference congregation, where many other Indonesians attend, she felt incredibly blessed.

“When I moved to America, I didn’t want to leave my homeland behind,” recalls Angela. “The PPC community became a home away from home for me. I was able to stay connected to my home culture but also be connected to other cultures, languages, and worship styles,” Angela reflects. “PPC connects me to my roots, but God has also allowed me to grow there.”
Previously Angela worked as a Summer Service Worker at PPC through Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), which helped her connect to the broader Anabaptist family and gain deeper clarity around Mennonite beliefs. Now Angela is very involved at PPC and has worked as a graphic designer, multimedia coordinator, social media manager, and video editor for the church.

She met her husband, Andy, through her involvement as a singer on the praise and worship team. Cindy is from Surabaya, Indonesia, and Andy is from Jakarta. Though these cities are on the same Indonesian island, they are separated by 500 miles. “We would’ve never met if it weren’t for PPC,” Angela shares.
In her free time, Angela likes to cook Japanese, Korean, Thai, and Indonesian food. Sometimes she cooks US American foods, like pulled pork and coleslaw. She also plays the ukulele and collects board games.
Angela hosts two podcasts, one in Indonesian with her husband, where they share about their experience as immigrants to the U.S. The other one is in English, with her friend who is learning Bahasa Indonesian.
Over the past seven years of her journey in the United States, Angela has seen and felt God taking care of her. “I always give 100% of myself and I let God do the rest. This is how I moved to a new country, this is how I got this job, and it is how I live my life,” she reflects.
The opinions expressed in articles posted on Mosaic’s website are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy of Mosaic Conference. Mosaic is a large conference, crossing ethnicities, geographies, generations, theologies, and politics. Each person can only speak for themselves; no one can represent “the conference.” May God give us the grace to hear what the Spirit is speaking to us through people with whom we disagree and the humility and courage to love one another even when those disagreements can’t be bridged.